
🚀 C++ Machine Learning Project: Digit Recognition with Support Vector Machine (SVM) 🖥️ This project is a robust implementation of digit recognition using Support Vector Machine (SVM) in C++. The SVM algorithm, a powerful supervised learning technique, is employed to classify handwritten digits from the famous MNIST dataset.

Primary LanguageC++


C++ Machine Learning Project: Digit Recognition with Support Vector Machine (SVM) Overview This project aims to implement a digit recognition system using Support Vector Machine (SVM) in C++. SVM is a powerful supervised learning algorithm used for classification tasks.

Features Dataset: Utilize the MNIST dataset for training and testing. Preprocessing: Implement preprocessing steps such as normalization and feature extraction. SVM Implementation: Develop SVM classifier using libraries like LIBSVM or implement from scratch. Training: Train the SVM model on the training dataset. Testing: Evaluate the model's accuracy on the test dataset. Prediction: Implement a function to predict digits based on input images. Performance Metrics: Calculate and display metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall. User Interface (Optional): Develop a simple CLI or GUI for interacting with the model. Technology Stack Language: C++ Libraries: LIBSVM (or similar for SVM implementation) Dataset: MNIST dataset (or similar digit recognition dataset) Development Tools: IDE like Visual Studio or Code::Blocks Implementation Steps Dataset Preparation: Download and preprocess the MNIST dataset. SVM Model Development: Implement SVM classifier using chosen library or custom implementation. Training: Train the SVM model on the training dataset. Testing and Evaluation: Test the model on the test dataset and calculate performance metrics. Prediction Function: Implement a function to predict digits based on user input. User Interface (Optional): Develop a simple interface for easy interaction with the model. Example Code Snippet (SVM Training) cpp Copy code // Example using LIBSVM for SVM training

#include #include "svm.h"

int main() { // Load training data svm_problem prob; // Initialize prob with your training data (features and labels)

// Set SVM parameters
svm_parameter param;
param.svm_type = C_SVC;
param.kernel_type = RBF;
param.gamma = 0.5;

// Train SVM model
svm_model *model = svm_train(&prob, &param);

// Save model for future use
svm_save_model("svm_model.model", model);

// Free memory

return 0;

} Conclusion This project provides a hands-on experience with machine learning in C++, focusing on implementing a digit recognition system using SVM. It enhances understanding of SVM algorithms, dataset handling, and model evaluation in a practical context.

Further Enhancements Experiment with different SVM kernels (linear, polynomial). Optimize hyperparameters for better accuracy. Extend to recognize more complex images or datasets beyond digits. Resources LIBSVM GitHub Repository MNIST Dataset This project not only demonstrates proficiency in C++ programming but also deepens understanding of machine learning concepts and practical application of SVM algorithms for classification tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .