
Project that launch Docker Swarm orchestration

Primary LanguageGo


Project that set up ready to launch Docker Swarm orchestration

Also this project provides:

  • Best practice Dockerfile
  • Production grade docker compose file
  • Visualizer Docker Swarm nodes

Maybe later will add:

  • Secret in Docker Swarm
  • Overriding docker compose file

VM IP mapping

IP Address Hostname VM Role in Docker Swarm swarm-orchestra-101-node1 Manager swarm-orchestra-101-node2 Worker swarm-orchestra-101-node3 Worker

Run ansible to set up static IP VM

At ansible folder, run this command:

ansible-playbook -i <current_ip_vm>, set-static-ip.yaml -K -e "ip=<desired_static_ip>" -e "gateway=<gateway>" -e "hostname=<hostname_vm>"

Run ansible to set up configuration VM (docker & docker swarm)

At ansible folder, run this command:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini set-up-docker-swarm.yaml -K

Deploy docker swarm

At /app on swarm-orchestra-101-node1 VM, run this command:

docker stack deploy -d -c docker-compose.production.yml swarm-orchestra-101

Inspect created services on stack

1. Using command line

On swarm-orchestra-101-node1, run this command:

a. Shows in each service about how many container replicas (RUNNING/DESIRED)

docker stack services swarm-orchestra-101


b. Shows in a service about on what node its container replicas running on

docker service ps swarm-orchestra-101_backend


c. Shows database migration logs

docker service logs swarm-orchestra-101_db-migration


2. Through visualizer swarm nodes

On browser access swarm-orchestra-101-node1 using its IP through port 8080 ( visualizer-swarm-nodes


This demo will shows that docker overlay network (docker swarm network default) have ability to distribute load (request) service to their container replicas even running on different nodes (VM) backend-service-logs-1 backend-service-logs-2 backend-service-logs-3