
Copy dotfiles and other config files to target location while keeping source hierarchy

Primary LanguageZig


Copies a file tree via hard links from a given source to a given destination. Ideal for copying dot files and other config files from a git repository.

Arguments must be absolute or relative paths, and does not handle shell expansion (e.g., ~).

Usage: dotz $SOURCE $DEST.

Example: assume a "dotfiles" repo contains a file structure such as

# dotfiles
# ├── .bashrc
# └── .config
#     ├── foo1
#     │   └── config1.yml
#     ├── foo2
#     │   └── config2.toml
#     └── foo3
#         └── config3.json

To copy this tree to the user's home directory, run

dotz /path/to/dotfiles /home/user

The above tree will be copied to the home directory with hard links. The config files may be edited from within the home folder, while the changes are reflected and maintained in the dotfiles repository.

Inspired by GNU Stow.

Suggestions welcome.