build pytorch 2.1.2 with ROCm support for automatic stable-diffusion-webui
Linux Mint 21.2
Kernel 5.19.0-50-generic
Radeon RX 480/580 8GB
RoCm 5.5
Python 3.10.6
- pytorch 2.1.2
- torchvision 0.16.2
The installation procedure involves building the kernel modules from the amdgpu-dkms
package. DKMS from ROCm 5.5 will not build on kernels above 5.19 such as 6.2.x and 6.5.x that are already available in Linux Mint repos. At the time of writing the latest kernel version where amdgpu-dkms
works is 5.19.0-50. Make sure to downgrade in advance if you run a freshier kernel.
sudo apt install "linux-image-$KERN" "linux-headers-$KERN" "linux-modules-$KERN" "linux-modules-extra-$KERN"
If you are running v5.19 already but you have freshier kernels installed then DKMS might quietly fail to build, breaking dpkg
installation routines.
sudo apt autoremove rocm-core amdgpu-dkms
sudo apt install libopenmpi3 libstdc++-12-dev libdnnl-dev ninja-build libopenblas-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev
echo -e "ROC_ENABLE_PRE_VEGA=1\nHSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=8.0.3" | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
# Reboot after this
wget ""
sudo apt install ./amdgpu-install_5.5.50500-1_all.deb
sudo amdgpu-install -y --usecase=rocm,hiplibsdk,mlsdk
sudo usermod -aG video $LOGNAME
sudo usermod -aG render $LOGNAME
# verify
You may need to install addional dependencies, and the build will take a long time. On a system with Ryzen 3700X building with all available threads consumes ~30 GB of RAM in peak.
#in home directory create directory pytorch2.1.2 #Build Torch
cd pytorch2.1.2
git clone --recursive "" -b v2.1.2
cd pytorch
pip install cmake mkl mkl-include
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
export PATH=/opt/rocm/bin:$PATH ROCM_PATH=/opt/rocm HIP_PATH=/opt/rocm/hip
export PYTORCH_ROCM_ARCH=gfx803
python3 tools/amd_build/
python3 bdist_wheel
cd ..
git clone "" -b v0.16.2
cd vision
export BUILD_VERSION=0.16.2
FORCE_CUDA=1 ROCM_HOME=/opt/rocm/ python3 bdist_wheel
cd ..
git clone ""
cd stable-diffusion-webui
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
pip uninstall torch torchvision
pip3 install /home/*******/pytorch2.1.2/pytorch/dist/torch-2.1.2-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
pip3 install /home/*******/pytorch2.1.2/vision/dist/torchvision-0.16.2-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
pip list | grep 'torch'
******* is your home directory username
# maybe you need: python develop && python -c "import torch"
The AUTOMATIC11111 wiki says:
*For many AMD GPUs, you must add --precision full --no-half or --upcast-sampling arguments to avoid NaN errors or crashing.
# It's possible that you don't need "--precision full", dropping "--no-half" however crashes my drivers
On RX 480 --precision full --no-half
isn't necessary. Using --medvram
will work but will leave almost no free VRAM for the OS, resulting in insane freezes. On RX 480 --lowvram
works flawlessly.
One known issue is HIP occasionally reporting 131005.57 GiB of free VRAM:
torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: HIP out of memory. Tried to allocate 16.00 GiB. GPU 0 has a total capacty of 8.00 GiB of which 131005.57 GiB is free. Of the allocated memory 4.31 GiB is allocated by PyTorch, and 109.60 MiB is reserved by PyTorch but unallocated. If reserved but unallocated memory is large try setting max_split_size_mb to avoid fragmentation. See documentation for Memory Management and PYTORCH_HIP_ALLOC_CONF
This value could also be seen in Web UI, in the "Generation" tab in the bottom right corner. This issue seems to have been fixed in kernel 6.2.x+ but ROCm 5.5 doesn't support this kernel version. In my case rebooting the PC helps get rid of this problem.