
# Biome wrangling

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Biome wrangling

1º Craft: Wrangling

Board Games

Dados provenientes do projeto tidytuesday.

Data Dictionary

variable class description
game_id character Unique game identifier
description character A paragraph of text describing the game
image character URL image of the game
max_players integer Maximum recommended players
max_playtime integer Maximum recommended playtime (min)
min_age integer Minimum recommended age
min_players integer Minimum recommended players
min_playtime integer Minimum recommended playtime (min)
name character Name of the game
playing_time integer Average playtime
thumbnail character URL thumbnail of the game
year_published integer Year game was published
artist character Artist for game art
category character Categories for the game (separated by commas)
compilation character If part of a multi-compilation - name of compilation
designer character Game designer
expansion character If there is an expansion pack - name of expansion
family character Family of game - equivalent to a publisher
mechanic character Game mechanic - how game is played, separated by comma
publisher character Comoany/person who published the game, separated by comma
average_rating double Average rating on Board Games Geek (1-10)
users_rated double Number of users that rated the game