
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Subreddit Scanner

  • This is an all in one tool for users to scrape subreddit data at scale and run indepth analysis on user activity. Specfics on methodology and algorithms used are in my research paper.

  • Gain further understing at scale using state of the art clustering algorithms and LDA topic modeling with automatically adjustible parameters back testing to see what the correct number of topics and cluster sizes are.

  • The pipeline for data collection, storage, analysis, and machine learning is conceptualized in the diagram below.    

Data Scraper

  • Making requests on two PushShiftIO endpoints on submissions and comments respectively
  • The Query is structured as so scrape data with three parameters and the code is listed below:
    1. Subreddit
    2. Before (Epoch value or Integer + "s,m,h,d")
    3. After (Epoch value or Integer + "s,m,h,d")
  • For more details on PushShiftIO documentation visit https://github.com/pushshift/api
response = requests.get("https://api.pushshift.io/reddit/search/comment/?after="+ epoch_before +"&before=" + epoch_after +"&subreddit="+subreddit + "&size=1000")
response = requests.get("https://api.pushshift.io/reddit/search/submission/?after="+ epoch_before +"&before=" + epoch_after +"&subreddit="+subreddit + "&size=1000")
  • The maximum number of posts that can be returned in one request is 1000 so its important to note that highly active subreddits which can have over 1000 comments or posts in a day. Therefore must have the duration of that is parameters before and after be lessend to extrapulate all posts in a timeframe.


  • Configure storage to Amazon S3 buckets and locally as well.    
  • Input AWS credentials to gain access to your S3 bucket located in line 33 in main.py
 s3 = boto3.client('s3',
  • Edit lines to select which file, S3 bucket, and the key you would like to utilize    


Data Model

  • PushshiftAPI comment and submission responses are quite extensive, and need to be processed and parsed accordingly.
  • The data is modeled to the values displayed in the table below.
  • Our current models only rely on only four columns from our model, but future models for SubredditScanner wish to extend the use our data model.
Post ID Comment ID Username Body Date URL Score Subreddit Name