
OctoberCMS Plugin to trace Eloquent actions

Primary LanguagePHP

Tracelog Plugin

History changelog for eloquent models in October CMS.


This plugin is a single Trait to append to your Eloquent models in OctoberCMS to be able to trace modifications on a changelog


Implement the LastEdit Trait in your model to be tracked.

use Icodemx\Tracelog\Classes\LastEdit;

For example

namespace Acme\Foo\Models;
use Icodemx\Tracelog\Classes\LastEdit;

class MyModel extends Model
    use LastEdit;

And that's it.

Your model now will be tracked

Extra options

 * Set this variable if you want to override the default "Updated/Deleted" msg

public $message;

 * Set this variable you want to save some column of your model
 * on the tracelog table
public $referenceLog;