
A proof of concept on how to automate leeching from last.fm using Audio Hijack Pro

Primary LanguageRuby

This is just a proof of concept on how to automate leeching from last.fm using Audio Hijack Pro
By automate it means:
  - record currently playing track
  - add track's title and artist
  - then add to iTunes library.

Note: For educational purpose only. Recording copyrighted material maybe illegal in your country.

You will need:
1) Last.fm account
2) Audio Hijack Pro http://www.rogueamoeba.com/audiohijackpro/
3) ruby
4) Last.fm client (optional)
5) Last.fm API key (optional)

1) Rename config.yml.example to config.yml, put it your Last.fm username.
2) If you have Last.fm API key, put it in config.yml, else delete the line
3) Follow instruction in Add To iTunes Library.scpt.example
4) Add application to hijack in Audio Hijack Pro i.e. your browser, Last.fm client
5) On "Recording" tab, set When recording finishes to run your edit Add To iTunes Library.scpt as per Add To iTunes Library.scpt.example
6) On "Recording" tab, set Silence Monitor to Start new file (Analog)
7) Hijack your browser or Last.fm client, press record
8) Start listening to songs as you would normally do

Note: Last.fm client is recommended, player in browser sometimes won't update your recent track list.
      That would result in wrong track information added to the recorded track.

      If you want to update track's album too, be sure to register for API key from Last.fm
