Discord bot to administer IITD Study Servers (unofficial)

Primary LanguagePython


Discord bot to administer IITD'20 Acad Server


  • hello to check if bot is online
  • ?help to display this message
  • ?set <kerberos> to set your kerberos and automatically assign role for branch, hostel and courses
  • ?courses (self) or ?courses <kerberos> or ?courses @User to list courses
  • ?slot <course> to get slot for a course
  • ?info <course> to get info for a course (name, credits, pre reqs, overlaps, description). Uses IITD Course Planner
  • ?tt (self) or ?tt <kerberos> or ?tt @User to get yours or someone else's timetable (excluding labs for now)
  • ?mess (self)(today) or ?mess @User or ?mess <hostel> -<day> to get mess menu for the hostel on that day. Uses data from BHM records
  • ?yt to launch a YouTube Together session, where you can watch youtube videos or lectures together in a voice channel
  • ?major (self) or ?major <kerberos> or ?major @User to get yours or someone else's major date sheet. Uses Majors API by Adit Malhotra
  • Works for multiple inputs too! Try ?slot COL106 COL202

Manager only

  • ?edit <kerberos> @User to edit kerberos for some user
  • ?checkmail <mail-to> #Channel to track circular emails on that channel every minute
  • ?update to update roles for all registered users
  • ?reload to reload the database from .csv and .json files
  • ?fetchldap to fetch courses data from ldap and reload


  • Install python then clone this repo and switch into the directory
  • Install dependencies discord, bs4, dotenv, requests
  • Put BOT_TOKEN, IITD_EMAIL, IITD_PASS in .env file in the same directory
  • Requires files kerberos.csv, hostels.csv, branches.csv, courses.csv in the same directory to store configuration and data for the batch of your server. These are excluded in .gitignore for privacy reasons. Contact me if you need them for configuration.
  • course_lists.json can be generated from get_course_lists() function of utils.py if you are connected to IIT Delhi Internal Network
  • discord_ids.json will be generated and updated by the script
  • log.txt is a temporary file generated by ?update command
  • Run python bot.py