
A curated list of awesome lists across all machine learning topics. | 机器学习/深度学习/人工智能一切主题 (学习范式/任务/应用/模型/道德/交叉学科/数据集/框架/教程) 的资源列表汇总。

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🚀 Awesome Machine Learning Resources

Language: [English] [Chinese/中文]

A curated list of curated lists of awesome resources across various machine learning and deep learning topics.

With 380+ items (Dec 2021), this repository aims to:

  • help beginners understand the branches and latest developments in machine learning;
  • help researchers follow new machine learning research directions;
  • help engineers find suitable tutorials and libraries to solve practical problems.


  • Please leave a STAR if you like this project!
  • Contributing: If you find any incorrect / inappropriate / outdated content, please kindly consider opening an issue or a PR. We would greatly appreciate your contribution to this list!
  • Mark: ⚠️ indicates inactive, i.e., the corresponding list has stopped updating (for 12+ months), but can still be a good reference for starters.

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Imbalanced Learning [Awesome]

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Meta-Sampler [NeurIPS]

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Table of Contents

General Machine Learning

Machine Learning Paradigm

Semi/Self-Supervised Learning

Contrastive Learning

Representation Learning (Embedding)

Metric Learning

Reinforcement Learning

Transfer Learning


Multi-task Learning

Imbalanced/Long-tail Learning

Few-shot Learning

Adversarial Learning

See also: Machine Learning Model -> Generative Model & Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

Robust Learning

Active Learning

Lifelong/Incremental/Continual Learning

Ensemble Learning

See also: Machine Learning Model -> Tree-based & Ensemble Model

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)

Federated Learning

Anomaly Detection


Dimensionality Reduction (Feature Selection/Extraction)

Machine Learning Task & Application

Computer Vision (CV)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Multi-modal & Cross-modal Learning

Graph Learning

See also: Machine Learning Model -> Graph Neural Network (GNN, GCN, GAT, etc.)

Knowledge Graph

Time-series/Stream Learning

Recommender Systems

Information Retrieval

Gaming & Searching

Machine Learning Model

Pretrained & Foundation Model

in NLP (BERT, RoBERTa, GPT, etc.)
in CV (Visual Transformers, etc.)
in other topics

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Note: This is a big topic and almost all existing lists are outdated. Please refer to Computer Vision (CV) in Machine Learning Task & Application for more recent information.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN, LSTM, GRU, etc.)

Note: This is a big topic and almost all existing lists are outdated. Please refer to Time-series/Stream Learning in Machine Learning Task & Application for more recent information.

Graph Neural Network (GNN, GCN, GAT, etc.)

See also: Machine Learning Task & Application -> Graph Learning

Generative Model & Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

See also: Machine Learning Paradigm -> Adversarial Learning

Variational Autoencoder

See also: Machine Learning Paradigm -> Representation Learning

  • [List] Awesome-VAEs
    • Awesome work on the VAE, disentanglement, representation learning, and generative models.
  • [Code Collection] PyTorch-VAE
    • A collection of Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs) implemented in pytorch with focus on reproducibility.

Tree-based & Ensemble Model

See also: Machine Learning Paradigm -> Ensemble Learning

Machine Learning Interpretability & Fairness & Ethics

Interpretability in AI

Fairness in AI

  • General

    • [List] FairAI
      • This is a collection of papers and other resources related to fairness.
    • [List] Awesome Fairness in AI [⚠️Inactive]
      • A curated, but probably biased and incomplete, list of awesome Fairness in AI resources.
  • Sub-topics

  • Practice

    • [Tutorial]fairness_tutorial
      • Dealing with Bias and Fairness in Data Science Systems: A Practical Hands-on Tutorial.
    • [Library] ml-fairness-gym [⚠️Inactive]
      • A set of components for building simple simulations that explore the potential long-run impacts of deploying machine learning-based decision systems in social environments.

Ethics in AI

  • General

  • Sub-topics

    • [List] Awesome-Privacy **
      • Toward ethical, transparent and fair AI/ML: a critical reading list for engineers, designers, and policy makers.

Interdisciplinary: Machine Learning + X

System (MLSys/SysML)

Database (AIDB/ML4DB)

Software Engineering (MLonCode)

Cyber Security

Quantum Computing

  • [List] Awesome Machine Learning for Cyber Security
    • A list of awesome papers and cool resources in the field of quantum machine learning (machine learning algorithms running on quantum devices). It does not include the use of classical ML algorithms for quantum purpose.

Medical & Healthcare


Biology & Chemistry

Finance & Trading



Machine Learning Datasets

Production Machine Learning

Open-source Libraries

Big Data Frameworks

Acknowledgement ✨

  • 🌟 Thank you for taking the time to read this far, please leave a STAR if you like this project! 🌟
  • 💬 If you find any incorrect/inappropriate/outdated content, please kindly consider opening an issue/PR. 💬
  • 💖 We would greatly appreciate your contribution to this list! 💖

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Zhining Liu

💻 🤔 🚧



This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!