
script to download full udemy courses (you should be subscribed to that course) at once



  • Python (2 or 3)
  • pip (Python Install Packager)
  • Python module requests
    • If missing, they will be automatically installed by pip


If you don't have pip installed, look at their install doc. Easy install (if you trust them) is to run their bootstrap installer directly by using:

sudo curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | sudo python


youtube-dl can be installed using pip

pip install youtube-dl


python -m pip install youtube-dl

In OS X and Linux you need to sudo installing udemy-dl or you may face some errors

sudo pip install youtube-dl

Also you need to sudo installing pip itself or you run into the same problem.


script to download full udemy courses (you should be subscribed to that course) at once


                                           open power shell

2017-07-07 1

                                           pip install youtube-dl

2017-07-07 4

youtube-dl -u email@gmail.com -p password https://www.udemy.com/python-for-data-science-and-machine-learning-bootcamp/learn/v4/content

2017-07-07 2

                                       link can be copied from url bar


                                            your downloading starts

All The Best!!