
Set reminder, recipe search and calorie calculator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My App with Auth0

This is a Todo and Recipe app built using Auth0, React JS, CSS, JavaScript, Material UI, and Google Fonts. The app allows users to create a list of todos with or without reminder options. Additionally, users can search for recipes and save their favorite recipes to a favorites section.

The app also utilizes local storage to store the user's todos and favorites recipes so that they can access them later.


  • Sign in through Auth0 authentication.
  • Add a todo with or without a reminder option
  • Search for recipes of choice
  • Save favorite recipes to the favorites section
  • Local storage to store todos and favorite recipes
  • Calories Calculator
  • User-friendly interface using Material UI and Google Fonts

Technologies Used

  • React JS
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Material UI
  • Google Fonts
  • Local Storage
  • Vercel
  • ChatGPT


Getting Started

    To run this app on your local machine, please follow these steps:
  • Run npm install to install all the required dependencies.
  • Run npm start to start the development server.
  • The app should now be running on your local machine at http://localhost:3000.

How to Use

  1. To add a todo, type your task into the input field and click "Add Todo".
  2. To add a todo with a reminder, check the "Set Reminder" box and select a date and time for the reminder.
  3. To search for a recipe, click on the "Recipe" tab and type your search query into the
  4. input field
  5. To save a recipe to your favorites, click the "Add to Favorites" button.
  6. To view your favorite recipes, click on the "Favorites" tab.