Ansible Role: Passbolt

Passbolt Logo


This Ansible role automates the installation and configuration of Passbolt, an open-source password manager, on Ubuntu 20.04 VMs. It is designed to ensure consistency and efficiency in setting up Passbolt across development and testing environments.


  • Ansible installed on the control machine
  • Ubuntu 20.04 VMs for deployment
  • Vagrant for local testing (optional)

Role Structure

|-- defaults/
|   `-- main.yml
|-- handlers/
|   `-- main.yml
|-- tasks/
|   |-- backup.yml
|   |-- main.yml
|   |-- ssl.yml
|   `-- main.yml
|-- templates/
|   |-- passbolt.php.j2
|   `-- passbolt.nginx.conf.j2
|-- .gitignore
|-- vagrant.yml
`-- requirements.yml

Role Variables

  • passbolt_database_user: Passbolt database user
  • passbolt_database_password: Passbolt database password
  • passbolt_database_name: Passbolt database name
  • passbolt_app_key: Generated Passbolt app key
  • passbolt_security_salt: Generated Passbolt security salt
  • passbolt_ssl_enabled: Enable SSL/TLS (default: false)
  • passbolt_backup_enabled: Enable automated backups (default: true)

For more variables, check defaults/main.yml.




  1. Install the role using Ansible Galaxy:

    ansible-galaxy install your_username.passbolt
  2. Create an Ansible playbook (passbolt.yml):

    - name: Deploy Passbolt
      hosts: your_passbolt_servers
      become: yes
        - your_username.passbolt
  3. Run the playbook:

    ansible-playbook -i your_inventory.ini passbolt.yml

Vagrant Integration

For local testing, use the provided vagrant.yml playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/vagrant.ini vagrant.yml

SSL/TLS Configuration

If passbolt_ssl_enabled is set to true, a self-signed SSL certificate will be generated.

Automated Backups

If passbolt_backup_enabled is set to true, automated backups are scheduled daily at 3:00 AM using cron.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.