ryōdo【領土】 りょうど — A domain name parser using public suffix list
Do you ever wanted to know if suspicious.domain.name.blerp
is really a valid (registerable) domain?
Do you ever wanted to know what is the actual domain portion of yet.another.awesome.domain.co.jp
Then you should try ryodo
and get the answers!
Notice: This gem does not check DNS records to verify if a name was taken and registered, this is not its purpose. I am a big fan of the UNIX philosophy: »Write programs that do one thing and do it well.«
My blog post about ryodo
: ryodo - domain parser (2012-06-02)
# Gemfile
gem 'ryodo'
require 'ryodo'
dom = Ryodo.parse('my.awesome.domain.co.jp')
#=> Ryodo::Domain
dom.tld #=> 'co.jp' - public suffix
dom.domain #=> 'domain.co.jp' - registered/registrable domain
dom.sld #=> 'domain' - registered/registrable domain name w/o TLD
dom.subdomain #=> 'my.awesome' - subdomain parts
dom #=> 'my.awesome.domain.co.jp' - full domain string
dom.fqdn #=> 'my.awesome.domain.co.jp.' - full domain + trailing dot
# all parts also reversable
# mostly used on domain/FQDN
dom.reverse #=> 'jp.co.domain.awesome.my'
dom.fqdn.reverse #=> '.jp.co.domain.awesome.my'
dom.to_a #=> ['my','awesome','domain','co','jp']
dom.domain.to_a #=> ['domain','co','jp']
dom.sld.to_a #=> ['domain']
dom.subdomain.to_a #=> ['my','awesome']
dom.fqdn.to_a #=> ['my','awesome','domain','co','jp','']
# .to_a also usable with parameter :reverse (or shorthand :r)
dom.domain.to_a(:reverse) #=> ['jp','co','domain','awesome','my']
dom.fqdn.to_a(:reverse) #=> ['','jp','co','domain','awesome','my']
dom.fqdn.to_a(:r) #=> ['','jp','co','domain','awesome','my']
Ryodo.domain_valid?('my.awesome.domain.co.jp') #=> true
Ryodo.domain_valid?('co.jp') #=> false
require 'ryodo/ext/kernel'
#=> returns a Ryodo::Domain
#=> true
require 'ryodo/ext/string'
# validation
In Gemfile:
gem 'ryodo', require: %w[ryodo ryodo/ext/string]
Ryodo can transparently hook into URI, so you can use every described method on .host
require 'ryodo/ext/uri'
uri = URI.parse('http://my.awesome.domain.jp:5555/path')
#=> 'my.awesome.domain.jp'
#=> Ryodo::Domain
# but decorates the String class transparently
#=> 'domain.com'
# awesome quick check before doing further stuff with URI
# because why you would do a request to an URI with obviously invalid domain?
#=> true
In Gemfile:
gem 'ryodo', require: %w[ryodo ryodo/ext/uri]
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