
A work-in-progress Django app for allowing users to interact with a database of XAI techniques.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Explainability Techniques

A simple (and work-in-progress) Django app for interacting with a database of XAI techniques.


Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/chrisdburr/tea-XAI-demo.git && cd tea-XAI-demo

Populate .env file

  • Create a .env file in the root directory and ensure the following environment variables are set
# PostgreSQL settings
DB_PORT=5432 # change if necessary in case of port conflicts

Install Python dependancies and activate the virtual environment


This repository contains a pyproject.toml file, created using Poetry to manage virtual environments and packages. Instructions for poetry are below, but will need to be modified if using alternatives, such as conda or pyvenv.

poetry install
poetry shell

Setup postgres container

  1. Ensure environment variables are set (see above)
  2. Create docker container using docker compose up -d
  3. Test to ensure the container is running correctly using docker ps

Populate database

Once the virtual environment, packages, and container are created/running, you can populate the database.

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python run load_and_import.py

Run Django App

Assuming no errors were reported in the previous steps, you can now create a superuser and run the webserver.

python manage.py createsuperuser
# Fill in details as required
python manage.py runserver

You can then navigate to one of the following urls:

  1. Admin Page:
  2. Home Page:
  3. List of Techniques:
  4. Main API Endpoint:

You can also run python manage.py show_urls in the terminal to see a list of all available urls.

To Do

This project is a work-in-progress. Eventually, a proper project page with issues will be developed for the following tasks:

  • Move to Turing org (and convert following list to issues)
  • Review DB schema to ensure integrity and completeness
  • Add full CRUD operations
  • Add new columns (i.e. 'Related Techniques', 'Model Details' for "Model Specificity', and 'Complexity (???)' )
  • Allow submission of new techniques (for review by admin)
  • Add user authentication (i.e. hook into TEA platform)
  • Improve descriptions for techniques, i.e. split into short description (for techniques_list view) and longer explanation (for technique_detail view)
  • Add 'sort by' function for 'Technique Name' in techniques_list view.
  • Add unit tests
  • Update API endpoints to provide greater interactivity
  • Build views and HTML templates for better navigation
  • Integrate into TEA platform