
A very very very unique Library Management System in C++ which do not have a GUI but have GUI

Primary LanguageC++


Welcome to the Library Management Project repository! This project is a console application with a text-based graphical user interface (GUI), creatively designed using text symbols to manage library operations.

Technologies Used

C++ Badge

Project Description

The Library Management Project is designed to emulate the functions of a library, allowing users to interact with a virtual library system. It offers the following features:

  • Add Book Information: Add books to the library's collection, including book ID, title, author name, price, and issue status.

  • Display Book Information: Search and display book information by entering the book ID. Get details like book name, price, and more.

  • List All Books by Author: Search and list books by a specific author's name, providing details such as book name, price, and more.

  • List Unissued Books Count: Determine the count of unissued books available in the library.

  • Sort Books by ID: Sort the library's book collection in ascending order based on book IDs.

  • Save Books Information: Save all the book information to a file named 'books.txt' for future reference.

  • Load Books Information: Load book data from the 'books.txt' file into the library system.

  • Exit: Close the library management application.

GUI Representation

The GUI of this console application uses text symbols creatively to provide a unique and enjoyable user experience. Navigate through the library's functions using intuitive text-based menus and commands.

Example of GUI:

                     |                   007-Library Management System                    |
                     |                      Save Books Info on a File                     |

     | ID      | Title                                        | Author                     | Price |  Status  |
     | 2100700 | DASTAAN                                      | Meer                       | 589.0 | Unissued |
     | 2100701 | ULYSSES                                      | James Joyce                | 850.0 | Unissued |
     | 2100701 | ULYSSES                                      | James Joyce                | 850.0 | Unissued |
     | 2100702 | THE GREAT GATSBY                             | F. Scott Fitzgerald        | 999.0 | Issued   |
     | 2100702 | THE GREAT GATSBY                             | F. Scott Fitzgerald        | 999.0 | Issued   |
     | 2100703 | A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN      | Henry James                | 963.0 | Unissued |
     | 2100703 | A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN      | Henry James                | 963.0 | Unissued |
     | 2100704 | LOLITA                                       | Vladimir Nabokov           | 560.0 | Unissued |
     | 2100704 | LOLITA                                       | Vladimir Nabokov           | 560.0 | Unissued |
     | 2100705 | BRAVE NEW WORLD                              | Aldous Huxley              | 430.0 | Issued   |
     | 2100705 | BRAVE NEW WORLD                              | Aldous Huxley              | 430.0 | Issued   |
     | 2100706 | THE SOUND AND THE FURY                       | William Faulkner           | 530.0 | Unissued |
     | 2100706 | THE SOUND AND THE FURY                       | William Faulkner           | 530.0 | Unissued |

How to Use

  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
  2. Compile and run the program according to your preferred programming language.
  3. Follow the on-screen menu to interact with the library management system.
  4. Explore the library's functions and enjoy managing your virtual library!

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