
voicevox-tts for text-generation-ui extension

Primary LanguagePython


voicevox tts for oobabooga/text-generation-webui.


  1. Create conda environment following by text-generation-webui#manual-installation-using-conda
  2. Clone this repository and cd into repository folder.
git clone https://github.com/asadfgglie/voicevox-tts.git
cd voicevox-tts
  1. Activate textgen environment make from text-generation-webui#manual-installation-using-conda, and use pip install dependency
conda activate textgen
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install voicevox engine following by VOICEVOX/voicevox_engine
  2. Start text-generation-webui and go to Session > Install or update an extension, and put https://github.com/asadfgglie/voicevox-tts in it.
  3. Press ENTER to install

How to use

  1. Before enable this extension, you must start voicevox_engine, make sure it is running on default port 50021.
  2. Enable this extension
  3. Select Speaker, style
  4. Chat with bot!


  • You can test voice by click Play button.
  • You can change your voicevox engine server by click Refresh button.
  • You can change speaker by change TTS voice.