
microservice based golang project + gin + grpc

Primary LanguageGo

Learning GRPC with golang + gin

  • golang
  • grpc
  • gin

In this project I created a project with grpc, go and gin, just to learn how microservices work. It is a fun project and it has three parts One is the API part and two are the service part. The service parts are - auth-svc, product-svc

The client will communicate with the api part and the api part will communicate with the service. The client will not connect directly to the service.

For now, the data can be saved in json format using postman by running this project.


this apps requires go, gin, grpc

clone this project and Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server. go to auth-svc (auth-svc)[https://github.com/asadlive84/learn-mircroserive-grpc-golang-gin/tree/main/auth-svc] folder and run this commaand in your terminal

make build

Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your postman. postman url ( METHOD is POST )


insert a new user



insert a new product

postman url (METHOD is POST)

    "description":"nokia description",
