
newsplus fork

Primary LanguageJava


About News+

Since Google has decided to shutdown Google Reader. We are trying hard to find an alternative service for gReader. As one of the trusted partners of Feedly gReader will support Feedly Cloud Service when it starts.

There are a lot of great services beside Feedly that many of you would like to use. That's why we have decided to support them as well. I want to introduce you a new app which is called News+. News+ is developed based on gReader great functional features. It also has an Extension system so that services could be integrated into News+. The extension api will be published and the documentation will be updated soon. You can find it under Github https://github.com/noinnion/newsplus. We hope that many of you could create great Extension for News+.

Right now the app is still in Beta status. We will try to improve it with the time. There are still many bugs ;)


You need to install News+ first to use the extensions. You can the extensions on the Dropdown in the action bar.

News+ APK: Download and install it on you Android device. https://github.com/noinnion/newsplus/raw/master/apk/NewsPlus_beta.apk


Example Extension: https://github.com/noinnion/newsplus/raw/master/apk/CnnExtension_beta.apk Google Reader: https://github.com/noinnion/newsplus/raw/master/apk/GoogleReaderExtension_beta.apk Bazqux: https://github.com/noinnion/newsplus/raw/master/apk/BazquxExtension_beta.apk TT-Rss: https://github.com/noinnion/newsplus/raw/master/apk/TtRssExtension_beta.apk

We are trying to publish more :)


For the Example extension and Google Reader extension there are 2 projects on github. With the examples you can see how to implement an extension. (for Google Reader you need to set up Client_id + Client_secret in GoogleReaderAPI.java). To use the API you need to import reader-api-r1.0.jar into the projects. Documentation will come soon.

We hope you like it.