OracleWioIoT Project

Please start with the WIO board connectivity instructions,
Please see the following link:

When you get to exercise 3 please come back to this page and we will take it from here by using Java instead of Node JS.

Java Classes overview

src/oracle/wio/iot/event package: - Java class that represents an incoming event from the Wio Device sensors (temp, humidity etc) new measurement

src/oracle/wio/iot/iotcs package: - Java class that represents the VirtualDevice with in Oracle IoT Cloud Service

  • Register and activate a device
  • Register to incoming messages from IoT CS
  • Register to WioEvent and send the data to the IoT CS

src/oracle/wio/iot/sensor package:

Contains the different classes that represents specific WIO sensors. All the sensor specific classes inherit from Groove, GroveInputSensor and GroveOutputSensor

src/oracle/wio/iot package: - Project constants such as WioServer URL, sensors details - name, physical name, json node name, etc.

This class also contains the JSON payload that is being sent to the Oracle IoT Cloud Service - Exception wrapper for WIO board based exceptions - This is the main thread that listens (polls) sensor data from the connected WIO board - Solution tester class - WIO board REST API wrapper for sending, recieving and invoking sensor data