
Some utility nodes for ComfyUI

Primary LanguagePython

ComfyUI utility nodes

A collection of miscellaneous nodes for ComfyUI



Expands wildcards, variables and functions (macros).

It does more than its name implies.


Anything of the form $name$ will look up name.txt in the directory specified by the environment variable MU_WILDCARD_BASEDIR (defaults to wildcards under the current working directory if unset) and randomly chooses one line from it as a replacement.

Wildcards are evaluated before variable and macro expansion, unless you use the form $?name$, which will delay wildcard selection until all variables have been expanded.

You can use $name:filter:filter2:...$ to add filters to the wildcard. All of them must match (the matching is case-sensitive). if the filter starts with !, the term must not match

You can also use $name+n$ where n is a number to add an offset to the seed used. If you have filters, put it at the end: $name:filter:!filter2+n$

There's a magic wildcard, $LORA$ (case-sensitive) that will return all LoRAs known to ComfyUI. It can be filtered like any other wildcard.

Functions and variables

For example:

$z = realistic, photo
$foo($a, $b=sporty, $c=default thing) = { $c, $z, a $b $a  }
$foo(car, $c=another thing)

expands to another thing, realistic, photo, a sporty car

Variables can be defined inside functions and are local to the function.

You can define multiple variables per line by separating them with ;

Note that variables and functions can be defined anywhere in the prompt, meaning that a $foo = bar will define $foo and expand into just a . This might cause weird behaviour if you want to do complicated things with MUJinjaRender.

Variables are not captured by function definitions. If you define a variable $z, then define $f() { a $z }, and then redefine $z, any calls to$f will use the redefined value.

"text" can be used to quote something when it would conflict with syntax, for example: $func("parameter, with comma", second parameter). If you need a " by itself, use "".

Default variables

The variable $seed is available and is the seed given to the MUWildcard node.

Default functions

There are some default functions available. put $help() in your prompt to see a list of available functions.

You can control what is included by default with the environment variable MU_WILDCARD_INCLUDE. Set it to a string of paths separated by ; and they will be read and parsed into a global context at startup. The filename defaults is special and reads the default prelude included with the custom node.

If unset, the default is defaults.

For example, set MU_WILDCARD_INCLUDE="" to read nothing MU_WILDCARD_INCLUDE=defaults;/home/sd/my_functions.txt to read both the defaults and /home/sd/my_functions.txt

Parsing can take some time, so the files are read only once at startup, but using the magic string $debugwc in your prompt will trigger a reload.


You can use this node to evaluate a string as a Jinja2 template. Note, however, that because ComfyUI's frontend uses {} for syntax, There are the following modifications to Jinja syntax:

  • {% %} becomes <% %>
  • {{ }} becomes <= =>
  • {# #} becomes <# #>

Functions in Jinja templates

The following functions and constants are available:

  • pi
  • min, max, clamp(minimum, value, maximum),
  • abs, round, ceil, floor
  • sqrt sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan. These functions are rounded to two decimals

In addition, a special steps function exists.

The steps function will generate a list of steps for iterating.

You can call it either as steps(end), steps(end, step=0.1) or steps(start, end, step). step is an optional parameter that defaults to 0.1. It'll return steps inclusive of start and end as long as step doesn't go past the end. The second form is equivalent to steps(step, end, step). i.e. it starts at the first step.


This node replaces model weights in-place. It can be applied after for example Stable-Fast Unet compilation to change a model's weights without triggering a recompilation while still keeping the speed benefits from a compiled model.

To use it, load a checkpoint as usual, apply Stable-Fast to the model, and then "reapply" weights with this node afterwards.

It is 100% a hack, but it works and will save time if you change models often. The node will not work if you attempt to change the model type (that is, don't try to load SD1.5 weights into an SDXL model).