
A pure-lua implementation of a subset of Dhall.


Before you start, please ensure that you have Lua and LuaRocks installed on your system.

In the root directory of this repository, set up a local LuaRocks tree and install the dependencies listed in the .rockspec file:

# Initialize a project-local LuaRocks tree.
luarocks init

# Install dependencies in the project-local LuaRocks tree.
luarocks install --deps-only cautious-fiesta-scm-0.rockspec

# Run tests
luarocks test

luarocks init also sets up wrapper scripts for lua and luarocks executables that utilize the local LuaRocks tree.

Further Information

  • Lua - A powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.
  • LuaRocks - The Package manager for the Lua programming language.

Getting Help

If you encounter any issues or have questions about contributing to this project, please contact me through my GitHub profile.