This is the source of the best lazy loading implementation available.
You can find a demo at and learn how the magic works at
- Include the css file in the head tag
<link rel="stylesheet" href="responsivelyLazy.min.css">
- Include the js file right before the end of the body tag
<script async src="responsivelyLazy.min.js"></script>
- Write the image code
<div class="responsively-lazy" style="padding-bottom:68.44%;">
<img alt="" src="images/2500.jpg" data-srcset="images/600.jpg 600w, images/400.jpg 400w, images/800.jpg 800w, images/1500.jpg 1500w, images/1000.jpg 1000w, images/2000.jpg 2000w" srcset="" />
The things to customize are the padding-bottom style, and the values of the src and data-srcset attributes.
The lazy loading works in browsers supporting the srcset attribute. As of August 2015 that's 62.78%. Unsupported browsers will load the image in the src attribute.
You can find me at @IvoPetkovCom or