
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bosh Release for app-autoscaler service

(This release is under active development)


The purpose of this bosh release is to deploy and setup the app-autoscaler service.


Bosh Lite Deployment

  • Install Bosh-cli-v2

  • Install and start BOSH-Deployment, following its README.

  • Install CF-deployment

  • Create a new autoscaler client

    UAA CLI is required to here to create a new UAA client id.

    • Install the UAA CLI, uaac.
    gem install cf-uaac
    • Obtain uaa_admin_client_secret
    bosh interpolate --path /uaa_admin_client_secret /path/to/cf-deployment/deployment-vars.yml
    • Use the uaac target uaa.YOUR-DOMAIN command to target your UAA server and obtain an access token for the admin client.
    uaac target uaa.bosh-lite.com --skip-ssl-validation
    uaac token client get admin -s <uaa_admin_client_secret>
    • Create a new autoscaler client
    uaac client add "autoscaler_client_id" \
        --authorized_grant_types "client_credentials" \
        --authorities "cloud_controller.read,cloud_controller.admin,uaa.resource" \
        --secret <AUTOSCALE_CLIENT_SECRET>
  • Create and upload App-Autoscaler release

git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/app-autoscaler-release
cd app-autoscaler-release
bosh create-release
bosh -e YOUR_ENV upload-release
  • Deploy app-autoscaler with the newly created autoscaler client

    In the latest App-Autoscaler v2.0 release , App-Autoscaler retrieves application's metrics with loggregator V2 API via gRPC over mutual TLS connection.

    So the valid TLS certification to access Loggregator Reverse Log Proxy is required here. When deploying in bosh-lite, the most easy way is to provide loggregator certificates generated by cf-deployments.

bosh -e YOUR_ENV -d app-autoscaler \
     deploy templates/app-autoscaler-deployment.yml \
     --vars-store=bosh-lite/deployments/vars/autoscaler-deployment-vars.yml \
     -v system_domain=bosh-lite.com \
     -v cf_client_id=autoscaler_client_id \
     -v cf_client_secret=<AUTOSCALE_CLIENT_SECRET> \
     -v skip_ssl_validation=true
  • Deploy autoscaler with cf deployment mysql database

    Notes: It is blocked by the pull request cf-deployment #881 temporarily. If you would like to use the cf mysql, please apply the set-autoscaler-db.yml in the pull request when deploy cf deployment.

    The lastest Autoscaler release add the support for mysql database, Autoscaler can connect the same mysql database with cf deployment. Use the operation file example/operation/cf-mysql-db.yml which including the cf database host , password and tls.ca cert.

bosh -e YOUR_ENV -d app-autoscaler \
     deploy templates/app-autoscaler-deployment.yml \
     --vars-store=bosh-lite/deployments/vars/autoscaler-deployment-vars.yml \
     -v system_domain=bosh-lite.com \
     -v cf_client_id=autoscaler_client_id \
     -v cf_client_secret=<AUTOSCALE_CLIENT_SECRET> \
     -v skip_ssl_validation=true \
     -o example/operation/cf-mysql-db.yml
  • Deploy autoscaler with external postgres database and mysql database
bosh -e YOUR_ENV -d app-autoscaler \
     deploy templates/app-autoscaler-deployment.yml \
     --vars-store=bosh-lite/deployments/vars/autoscaler-deployment-vars.yml \
     -v system_domain=bosh-lite.com \
     -v cf_client_id=autoscaler_client_id \
     -v cf_client_secret=<AUTOSCALE_CLIENT_SECRET> \
     -v skip_ssl_validation=true \
     -o example/operation/external-db.yml

** The DATABASE_VAR_FILE should look like as below

  name: <database_name>
  host: <database_host>
  port: <database_port>
  scheme: <database_scheme>
  username: <database_username>
  password: <database_password>
  sslmode: <database_sslmode>
    ca: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

The table below shows the description of all the variables:

Property Description
database.name The database name.
database.host The database server ip address or hostname.
database.port The database server port.
database.scheme The database scheme. Currently Autoscaler supports "postgres" and "mysql".
database.username The username of the database specified above in "database.name".
database.password The password of the user specified above in "database.username".
database.sslmode There are 6 values allowed for "postgres": disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca and verify-full. Please refer to Postgres SSL definition when define database_sslmode. For "mysql", there are 7 values allowed: false, true, skip-verify, preferred, verify-ca, verify_identity.Please refer to Mysql SSL definition(Golang) and Mysql Connector SSL
database.tls.ca PEM-encoded certification authority for secure TLS communication. Only required when sslmode is verify-ca or verify-full(postgres) or verify_identity(mysql) and can be omitted for other sslmode.

Register service

Log in to Cloud Foundry with admin user, and use the following commands to register app-autoscaler service

cf create-service-broker autoscaler <brokerUserName> <brokerPassword> <brokerURL>
  • brokerUserName: the user name to authenticate with service broker. It's default value is autoscaler_service_broker_user.
  • brokerPassword: the password to authenticate with service broker. It will be stored in the file passed to the --vars-store flag (bosh-lite/deployments/vars/autoscaler-deployment-vars.yml in the example). You can find them by searching for autoscaler_service_broker_password.
  • brokerURL: the URL of the service broker

All these parameters are configured in the bosh deployment. If you are using default values of deployment manifest, register the service with the commands below.

cf create-service-broker autoscaler autoscaler_service_broker_user `bosh int ./bosh-lite/deployments/vars/autoscaler-deployment-vars.yml --path /autoscaler_service_broker_password` https://autoscalerservicebroker.bosh-lite.com

Acceptance test

Refer to AutoScaler UAT guide to run acceptance test.

Use service

To use the service to auto-scale your applications, log in to Cloud Foundry with admin user, and use the following command to enable service access to all or specific orgs.

cf enable-service-access autoscaler [-o ORG]

The following commands don't require admin rights, but user needs to be Space Developer. Create the service instance, and then bind your application to the service instance with the policy as parameter.

cf create-service autoscaler  autoscaler-free-plan  <service_instance_name>
cf bind-service <app_name> <service_instance_name> -c <policy>

Remove the service

Log in to Cloud Foundry with admin user, and use the following commands to remove all the service instances and the service broker of app-autoscaler from Cloud Foundry.

cf purge-service-offering autoscaler
cf delete-service-broker autoscaler

Monitoring the service

The app-autoscaler provides a number of health endpoints that are available externally that can be used to check the state of each component. Each health endpoint is protected with basic auth (apart from the api server), the usernames are listed in the table below, but the passwords are available in credhub.

Component Health URL Username Password Key
eventgenerator https://autoscaler-eventgenerator.((system_domain))/health eventgenerator /autoscaler_eventgenerator_health_password
metricsforwarder https://autoscaler-metricsforwarder.((system_domain))/health metricsforwarder /autoscaler_metricsforwarder_health_password
metricsgateway https://autoscaler-metricsgateway.((system_domain))/health metricsgateway /autoscaler_metricsgateway_health_password
metricsserver https://autoscaler-metricsserver.((system_domain))/health metricsserver /autoscaler_metricsserver_health_password
scalingengine https://autoscaler-scalingengine.((system_domain))/health scalingengine /autoscaler_scalingengine_health_password
operator https://autoscaler-operator.((system_domain))/health operator /autoscaler_operator_health_password
scheduler https://autoscaler-scheduler.((system_domain))/health scheduler /autoscaler_scheduler_health_password

These endpoints can be disabled by using the ops file example/operations/disable-basicauth-on-health-endpoints.yml

App-AutoScaler Build Status Build Status Quality Gate Status

The App-AutoScaler provides the capability to adjust the computation resources for Cloud Foundry applications through

  • Dynamic scaling based on application performance metrics
  • Scheduled scaling based on time

The App-AutoScaler has the following components:

  • api : provides public APIs to manage scaling policy
  • servicebroker: implements the Cloud Foundry service broker API
  • metricsgateway : collects and filters loggregator events via loggregator v2 API
  • metricsserver: transforms loggregator events to app-autoscaler performance metrics ( metricsgateway + metricsserver is a replacement of metricscollector)
  • metricsforwarder: receives and forwards custom metrics to loggreator via v2 ingress API
  • eventgenerator: aggreates memory metrics, evaluates scaling rules and triggers events for dynamic scaling
  • scheduler: manages the schedules in scaling policy and trigger events for scheduled scaling
  • scalingengine: takes the scaling actions based on dynamic scaling rules or schedules

You can follow the development progress on Pivotal Tracker.


System requirements

Database requirement

The App-AutoScaler supports Postgres and MySQL. It uses Postgres as the default backend data store. These are run up locally with docker images so ensure that docker is working on your system before running up the tests.


To set up the development, firstly clone this project

$ git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/app-autoscaler.git

Generate scheduler test certs

Initialize the Database

  • Postgres
make init-db
  • MySQL
make init-db db_type=mysql

Generate TLS Certificates

create the certificates

Note: on macos it will install certstrap automatically but on other OS's it needs to be pre-installed

make test-certs

Unit tests

  • Postgres:
make test
  • MySQL:
make test db_type=mysql

Integration tests


make integration


make test db_type=mysql

Build App-AutoScaler

make build

Clean up

You can use the make clean to remove:

  • database ( postgres or mysql)
  • autoscaler build artifacts

Coding Standards

Autoscaler uses Golangci and Checkstyle for its code base. Refer to style-guide

Deploy and offer Auto-Scaler as a service

Go to app-autoscaler-release project for how to BOSH deploy App-AutoScaler

Use Auto-Scaler service

Refer to user guide for the details of how to use the Auto-Scaler service, including policy definition, supported metrics, public API specification and command line tool.


This project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.