
Koans to learn CoffeeScript

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CoffeeScript Koans - koans to learn CoffeeScript

This project is a port of the CoffeeScript Koans at https://github.com/sleepyfox/coffeescript-koans which I've modified to run with node rather than the somewhat complicated setup required in that project to run in a web browser.

That project is based on Ben Hall's Javascript Koans, which in turn are based upon Edgecase's Ruby koans. The goal of the Coffeescript koans is to teach you CoffeeScript programming through testing. I'll mercilessly plagarise the original documentation as follows:

When you first run the koans, you'll be presented with a runtime error and a stack trace indicating where the error occurred. Your goal is to make the error go away. As you fix each error, you should learn something about the CoffeeScript language and functional programming in general.

Your journey towards CoffeeScript enlightenment starts in the koans/AboutExpects.coffee file. These koans will be very simple, so don't overthink them! As you progress through more koans, more and more CoffeeScript syntax will be introduced which will allow you to solve more complicated problems and use more advanced techniques.

Getting Started

Be sure you have Node.js installed and ./node_modules/.bin in your path.

Running the Koans

$ npm install
$ npm test

The first error will be in koans/AboutExpects.coffee, fix the first test and refresh the browser. You'll need to edit the file, and then run the tests again with

$ npm test

Rinse and repeat until all tests turn green.

Note that the koans will stop on the first failing test. If you want to run all tests regardless, run

$ BAIL=false npm test

Inspirations & thanks

  • Nigel Runnels-Moss (sleepyfox) - for the CoffeeScript koans
  • David Laing & Greg Malcolm - for their Javascript/Jasmine port of the Ruby koans
  • Edgecase - for the great Ruby Koans
  • Jeremy Ashkenas and the Coffeescript crew on GitHub - for making CoffeeScript
  • Douglas Crockford - for Javascript; the good bits
  • Daniel P. Friedman & Matthias Felleisen - for 'The Little LISPer' book, where it all started

This software is licensed under the MIT license (see LICENCE for details). Enjoy!