commandline mesos batch processing framework using Mesos V1 HTTP scheduler API for parallel job execution. (still in early beta, not intended for production use)
- parallel arbitrary
tasks - creating persistent volumes
- parallel tasks on e.g. shared persistent volumes (reduce steps)
- parallel job execution (multiple tasks specified as TaskInfos protobuf/JSON)
- no task grouping like in pods, but queued execution within each offer (->parallel processing accross offers)
- optional usage of dynamic reservations & subsequent creation of persistent volumes (specified via resources message of TaskInfo proto)
- decoupled reserve/unreserve operations
- interfaces with Mesos HTTP V1 API (-> no libmesos drivers needed)
- released for linux/docker and native 64bit windows
script to generate a mesos-batch
docker image which contains a recent mesos build from asamerh4/mesos. Note that during the build process a temporary build-image is generated, which could be removed afterwards.
Once finishes successfully a message like this should be displayed:
Successfully built de7bd82c8b50
**build finished -> use: docker run --rm -it asamerh4/mesos-batch:3caf670 mesos-batch --h
Use docker run --rm -it asamerh4/mesos-batch:tag
___ ___ ___
|\__\|\__\|\__\ commandline batch processing framework for mesos 1.1++
Usage: mesos-batch [options]
--[no-]checkpoint Enable checkpointing for the framework. (default: false)
--content_type=VALUE The content type to use for scheduler protocol messages. 'json'
and 'protobuf' are valid choices. (default: protobuf)
--framework_capabilities=VALUE Comma separated list of optional framework capabilities to enable.
TASK_KILLING_STATE is always enabled. PARTITION_AWARE is enabled
unless --no-partition-aware is specified.
other choices are e.g. 'SHARED_RESOURCES' or 'GPU_RESOURCES'
--framework_name=VALUE name of the framework (default: mesos-batch instance)
--[no-]help Prints this help message (default: false)
--kill_after=VALUE Specifies a delay after which the task is killed
(e.g., 10secs, 2mins, etc).
--master=VALUE Mesos master (e.g., IP:PORT). (default: )
--[no-]partition_aware Enable partition-awareness for the framework. (default: true)
--[no-]persistent_volume Enable dynamic reservation and creation of a persistent volume (default: false)
--persistent_volume_resource=VALUE The value could be a JSON formatted string of `TaskInfo` or a
file path containing the JSON/protobuf. Path must
be of the form `file:///path/to/file` or `/path/to/file`.
See the `TaskInfo` and the contained `Resource` messages
in `mesos.proto` for the expected format.
NOTE: `DiskInfo` inside the `disk` Resource must be present.
"name": "persistent_vol_resource_spec",
"task_id": {
"value": "resource_spec001"
"agent_id": {
"value": ""
"resources": [{
"name": "cpus",
"type": "SCALAR",
"scalar": {
"value": 3.0
"role": "test",
"reservation": {
"principal": "test"
}, {
"name": "mem",
"type": "SCALAR",
"scalar": {
"value": 64
"role": "test",
"reservation": {
"principal": "test"
}, {
"name": "disk",
"type": "SCALAR",
"scalar": {
"value": 4096
"role": "test",
"reservation": {
"principal": "test"
"disk": {
"persistence": {
"id": "22d664c4-15d2-4978-86e3-d9b5d310666f",
"principal": "test"
"volume": {
"container_path": "volume",
"mode": "RW"
--principal=VALUE The principal to use for framework authentication.
--[no-]remove_persistent_volume Unreserves dynamic reservations and removes persistent volumes
if any
(default: false)
--role=VALUE Role to use when registering. (default: *)
--secret=VALUE The secret to use for framework authentication.
--task_list=VALUE The value could be a JSON-formatted string of `TaskGroupInfo` or a
file path containing the JSON-formatted `TaskGroupInfo`. Path must
be of the form `file:///path/to/file` or `/path/to/file`.
See the `TaskGroupInfo` message in `mesos.proto` for the expected
format. NOTE: `agent_id` need not to be set.
"tasks": [{
"name": "S2_33UUU_2017_2_6_0",
"task_id": {
"value": "fmaskr_S2_33UUU_2017_2_6_0"
"agent_id": {
"value": ""
"resources": [
"name": "cpus",
"type": "SCALAR",
"scalar": {
"value": 1.5
"name": "mem",
"type": "SCALAR",
"scalar": {
"value": 4000
"command": {
"value": "./",
"environment": {
"variables": [
"name": "inputId",
"value": "s3://s2-sync/tiles/33/U/UU/2017/2/6/0/"
"name": "outputId",
"value": "s3://s2-derived/tiles/33/U/UU/2017/2/6/0/"
"value": "eu-central-1"
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "asamerh4/python-fmask:fmask0.4-aws-65775b8",
"parameters": [
"key": "memory",
"value": "12G"
"key": "memory-swap",
"value": "12G"