
PHP based Rack clone

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Rack for PHP

Rack'em is an attempt to provide the awesomeness that Rack has brought Ruby, to PHP.

# config.php
return \Rackem\Rack::run(function($env) {
	return array(200, array("Content-Type"=>"text/html"), array("Hello, from Rack'em!"));
$ vendor/bin/rackem
$ open http://localhost:9393

Getting Started

Rack'em likes Composer, go ahead and install it isn't already.

I like to install Rack'em globally so that I can use it in any project. Unfortunately, Composer does not have a way of doing this by default, so here is an easy way to allow global package installation:

Setting up Composer for global installtion

$ curl https://raw.github.com/gist/4242494/5d6344d2976e07d051ace18d41fa035113353e90/global_composer.sh | sh

Installing Rack'em

If you are using the global installtion method from above, you can easily do:

$ cd ~/.composer && composer require rackem/rackem:*

Otherwise, you need to add rackem/rackem to your project's composer.json:

	"require": {
		"rackem/rackem": "*"

There's also a shortcut to do this with Composer:

$ composer require rackem/rackem:*

Optionally, there is a PSR autoloader you can use:

require 'rackem/rackem.php';


rackem is a tool for running Rack'em applications without the need for a web server. This makes developing Rack applications with PHP a breeze.

Provide rackem your main application script, and you are good to go:

$ rackem config.php
== Rackem on
>> Rackem web server
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop


Any object that has a callable method call() can be considered a Rack application. Rack expects call to return an HTTP response array containing: status code, headers, and body.

Here is an example of a basic Rackem application:


class App
	public function call($env)
		return array(200,array('Content-Type'=>'text/html'),array('Hello World!'));

return \Rackem\Rack::run("App");

Rack::run() accepts 1 of 3 things:

  • String referencing a Class
  • Class instance
  • Closure

Here would be an example of using a Closure:

$app = function($env) {
	return array(200,array('Content-Type'=>'text/html'),array('Hello World!'));
return \Rackem\Rack::run($app);


Just like Rack, Rack'em supports the use of Middleware. Middleware is basically a Rack application that must be passed $app in its constructor, with an optional $options parameter. $app is an instance of the previous application in the Rack stack.

Here is an example of a Middleware class that just passes the response on:


class MyMiddleware
	public function __construct($app)
		$this->app = $app;

	public function call($env)
		return $this->app->call($env);

return \Rackem\Rack::run( new App() );

There is also a Middleware helper class to make things a bit easier:


class MyMiddleware extends \Rackem\Middleware
	public function call($env)
		return $this->app->call($env);


You can route paths to applications easily:


\Rackem\Rack::map("/hello", function($env) {
	return array(200, array("Content-Type"=>"text/html"), array("Hello from Rack'em!"));


return \Rackem\Rack::run();

Request and Response


class JsonFormatter extends \Rackem\Middleware
	public function call($env)
		$req = new \Rackem\Request($env);
		$res = new \Rackem\Response($this->app->call($env));

		if($req->params()->format == 'json')    //?format=json
		return $res->finish();

What it has

  • run apps using \Rackem\Rack::run
  • stack some middleware on it \Rackem\Rack::use_middleware
  • Request and Response objects for helping out.
  • Rack compatible logger for logging to streams (STDERR, files, etc)
  • RubyRack class + config.ru for serving Rackem apps via Ruby web servers
  • Mime class for file type detection
  • Exceptions middleware for handling exceptions
  • File middleware for serving files
  • Basic authentication middleware
  • Session handling
  • Protection middlewares to prevent attacks (csrf,xss,clickjacking,ip spoofing,dir traversal,session hijacking)
  • rackem for serving applications locally


creationx for a Rack script that will serve a PHP-based Rack-compliant application.