
Laravel-based backend solution for integrating with GEO DB APIs

Primary LanguagePHP

API Integration with GeoDB Cities API

This solution query information from the GeoDB Cities API.

Project Overview

The API integration enables users to perform the following queries:

  • Retrieve country details including country code, currency, and flag image.
  • Fetch details of the capital city including region, elevation, latitude, longitude, and population.
  • Obtain information about places near a specific city using the city's ID.

How to Test the Integration

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Duplicate the .env_sample, generate and replace api key for GEODB_API_KEY
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
  4. Set up the project dependencies using - composer install
  5. Use the provided API routes to query country and city information.

API Routes

  • GET /countries: Retrieve a list of all countries.
  • GET /country: Retrieve details of a specific country.
  • GET /cities: Retrieve a list of cities by country.
  • GET /city: Retrieve details of a specific city by its ID.
  • GET /city/nearby: Retrieve nearby places of a specific city.
  • GET /country/search: Search for a country and retrieve its information.

These API's can be used to improve and implement more features

Postman Collection

I have added a Postman collection file named GEODB.postman_collection.json to the project root. It provides API requests used to connect to the GeoDB API.

Additionally, I've included an API documentation file named API.postman_collection.json, which provides detailed documentation for the project's APIs.

Testing the UI

To test the user interface:

  1. Navigate to the / location from your browser.
  2. Select a country from the dropdown menu.
  3. Submit the form.
  4. View the displayed country, capital, and nearby cities' details.