
created simple crud from nodeJS and mongodb used for database

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Assessment Unwir Pvt Ltd

Table of Contents


This is a simple web application that allows users to manage their notes. Users can create, view, update, and delete notes through an intuitive user interface. The application consists of frontend and backend components.


Check out the live demo here.

Domains here. here.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/asankagamage98/Note-management-backend.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Note-management-backend

  3. Install dependencies: npm install


To run the project, use the following command: npm start || npm run dev

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000


Create Note: Endpoint: POST - http://localhost:3000/ Description: Create a new note. Authentication: Non-authenticated

Get all notes and search note: Endpoint: GET - http://localhost:3000/api/notes/ GET - http://localhost:3000/api/notes?search=${searchText}&sortBy=title:asc
Description: Retrieve note information and search notes. Authentication: Non-authenticated

Update note: Endpoint: PUT - http://localhost:3000/:id Description: Update the note. Authentication: Non-authenticated

Get note by id: Endpoint:GET - http://localhost:3000/:id Description: Retrieve note information for given id. Authentication: Non-authenticated

Delete note by id: Endpoint:DELETE - http://localhost:3000/:id Description: Retrieve weather information for a specific date. Authentication: Non-authenticate


# mongodb atlas connection string