
The database of books can be found in a JSON-server. If you haven't already done so install json-server:

TO INSTALL: npm install -g json-server

Then start the json-server:

TO START: json-server --watch db.json

Your task is to read the deliverables below, read and understand the source code, work through any errors, make the additions/changes necessary to hit all of the deliverables

  • Fetch to http://localhost:3005/books. You should get a response that is an array of multiple book objects that look like this:

    { "id": 1, "title": "The Great Gatsby", "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald", "img": "", "comments": [] }

  • Render a list of books in the BookList that show the book title, book img, a button to add a comment, and a button to show all comments

  • Add a form that allows the user to, optimistically, add a book to the Book List

  • A User should be able to search Book Shelf for a book by title

  • When a User clicks the add comment button it should create a text box that allows the user to, optimistically, add a comment for that book

  • When a User clicks the show comment button it should show all comments for that book

  • Clicking on the book img in the Book List should add it to the Book Shelf

  • Clicking on a book img in the Book Shelf should remove it from the Book Shelf

  • Each book can only be added to Book Shelf one time (Book Shelf should not have duplicate books)