
Fast HTTP microservice for high-level image processing

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

imaginary Build Status GitHub release Docker

Fast HTTP microservice written in Go for high-level image processing backed by bimg and libvips. imaginary can be used as private or public HTTP service for massive image processing. It's almost dependency-free and only uses net/http native package for better performance.

Supports multiple image operations exposed as a simple HTTP API, with additional features such as API token-based authorization, built-in gzip compression, HTTP traffic throttle strategy and CORS support for web browser clients. imaginary can read JPEG, PNG, WEBP and TIFF formats and output to JPEG, PNG and WEBP, including conversion between them.

It uses internally libvips, a powerful and efficient library written in C for image processing which requires a low memory footprint and it's typically 4x faster than using the quickest ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick settings or Go native image package, and in some cases it's even 8x faster processing JPEG images.

To get started, take a look the installation process, usage cases and API docs

imaginary is currently used in production processing thousands of images per day.


  • libvips v7.40.0+ (7.42.0+ recommended)
  • C compatible compiler such as gcc 4.6+ or clang 3.0+
  • Go 1.3+


go get -u github.com/h2non/imaginary


Run the following script as sudo (supports OSX, Debian/Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, Amazon Linux):

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lovell/sharp/master/preinstall.sh | sudo bash -

The install script requires curl and pkg-config


Fetch the image

docker pull h2non/imaginary

Start the container with optional flags (default listening on port 9000)

docker run -t h2non/imaginary -cors -gzip

Enter to the interactive shell in a running container

sudo docker exec -it <containerIdOrName> bash

Stop the container

docker stop h2non/imaginary

See Dockerfile for more details.


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/h2non/imaginary.git

Set the buildpack for your application

heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/h2non/heroku-buildpack-imaginary.git

Add Heroku git remote:

heroku git:remote -a your-application

Deploy it!

git push heroku master

Recommended resources

Given the multithreaded native nature of Go, in term of CPUs, most cores means more concurrency and therefore, a better performance can be achieved. From the other hand, in terms of memory, 512MB of RAM is usually enough for small services with low concurrency (<5 request/second). Up to 2GB for high-load HTTP service processing large images.

If you need to expose imaginary as public HTTP server, it's highly recommended to protect the service against DDoS-like attacks. imaginary has built-in support for HTTP traffic throttle strategy to deal with this properly, limiting the number of concurrent request per second and caching the waiting requests if necessary. The recommended concurrency limit per server is up to 15 requests per second.

You can enable this passing a flag to the binary:

$ imaginary -concurrency 15


If you're looking for a large scale solution based on imaginary, you should scale it horizontally and distribute the HTTP load over a pool of imaginary servers.

Assuming that you want to have a high availability to deal efficiently with up to 100 concurrent request per second, this could be a reasonable scenario using a front balancer (HAProxy, for instance) and delegating the request control flow and quality of service in the balancer:

        |  Dark World  |
        |   Balancer   |
           |       |   
          /         \
         /           \
        /             \
 /-----------\   /-----------\
 | imaginary |   | imaginary | (*N)
 \-----------/   \-----------/


Supported image operations

  • Resize
  • Enlarge
  • Crop
  • Rotate (with auto-rotate based on EXIF orientation)
  • Flip (with auto-flip based on EXIF metadata)
  • Flop
  • Zoom
  • Thumbnail
  • Extract area
  • Watermark (customizable by text)
  • Custom output color space (RGB, black/white...)
  • Format conversion (with additional quality/compression settings)
  • Info (image size, format, orientation, alpha...)


libvips is probably the faster open source solution for image processing. Here you can see some performance test comparisons for multiple scenarios:


See bench.sh for more details

Results using Go 1.4.2 and libvips-7.42.3 in OSX i7 2.7Ghz

Requests  [total] 300
Duration  [total, attack, wait] 59.834621961s, 59.800317301s, 34.30466ms
Latencies [mean, 50, 95, 99, max] 34.50446ms, 32.424309ms, 45.467123ms, 50.64353ms, 85.370933ms
Bytes In  [total, mean]     2256600, 7522.00
Bytes Out [total, mean]     263275500, 877585.00
Success   [ratio]       100.00%
Status Codes  [code:count]      200:300

Conclusion: imaginary can deal properly up to 20 request/sec running in a multicore machine, where it crops a JPEG image of 5MB and spending per each request around 100ms


imaginary server

  imaginary -p 80
  imaginary -cors -gzip
  imaginary -h | -help
  imaginary -v | -version

  -a <addr>            bind address [default: *]
  -p <port>            bind port [default: 8088]
  -h, -help            output help
  -v, -version         output version
  -cors                Enable CORS support [default: false]
  -gzip                Enable gzip compression [default: false]
  -key <key>           Define API key for authorization
  -mount <path>        Mount server directory
  -certfile <path>     TLS certificate file path
  -keyfile <path>      TLS key file path
  -concurreny <num>    Throttle concurrency limit per second [default: disabled]
  -burst <num>         Throttle burst max cache size [default: 100]
  -mrelease <num>      Force OS memory release inverval in seconds [default: 30]
  -cpus <num>          Number of used cpu cores.
                       (default for current machine is 8 cores)

Start the server in a custom port

imaginary -p 8080

Also, you can pass the port as environment variable

PORT=8080 imaginary 

Enable HTTP server throttle strategy (max 10 request/second)

imaginary -p 8080 -concurrency 10

Mount local directory (then you can do GET request passing the file=image.jpg query param)

imaginary -p 8080 -mount ~/images

Increase libvips threads concurrency (experimental)

VIPS_CONCURRENCY=10 imaginary -p 8080 -concurrency 10

Enable debug mode

DEBUG=* imaginary -p 8080

Or filter debug output by package

DEBUG=imaginary imaginary -p 8080


imaginary exposes an ugly HTML form for playground purposes at: http://localhost:8088/form



imaginary supports a simple token-based API authorization. To enable it, you should specific the flag -key secret when you call the binary.

API token can be defined as HTTP header (API-Key) or query param (key).

Example request with API key:

POST /crop HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8088
API-Key: secret


Complete list of available params. Take a look to each specific endpoint to see which params are supported. Image measures are always in pixels, unless otherwise indicated.

  • width int - Width of image area to extract/resize
  • height int - Height of image area to extract/resize
  • top int - Top edge of area to extract. Example: 100
  • left int - Left edge of area to extract. Example: 100
  • areawidth int - Height area to extract. Example: 300
  • areaheight int - Width area to extract. Example: 300
  • quality int - JPEG image quality between 1-100. Default 80
  • compression int - PNG compression level. Default: 6
  • rotate int - Image rotation angle. Must be multiple of 90. Example: 180
  • factor int - Zoom factor level. Example: 2
  • margin int - Text area margin for watermark. Example: 50
  • dpi int - DPI value for watermark. Example: 150
  • textwidth int - Text area width for watermark. Example: 200
  • opacity float - Opacity level for watermark text. Default: 0.2
  • force bool - Force image transformation size. Default: false
  • nocrop bool - Disable crop transformation enabled by default by some operations. Default: false
  • noreplicate bool - Disable text replication in watermark. Default false
  • norotation bool - Disable auto rotation based on EXIF orientation. Default false
  • noprofile bool - Disable adding ICC profile metadata. Default false
  • text string - Watermark text content. Example: copyright (c) 2189
  • font string - Watermark text font type and format. Example: sans bold 12
  • color string - Watermark text RGB decimal base color. Example: 255,200,150
  • type string - Specify the image format to output. Possible values are: jpeg, png and webp
  • file string - Use image from server local file path. To use this you must pass the -mount=<dir> flag
  • colorspace string - Use a custom color space for the output image. Allowed values are: srgb or bw (black&white)

GET /form

Content Type: text/html

Serves an ugly HTML form, just for testing/playground purposes

POST /info

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: application/json

Returns the image metadata as JSON:

  "width": 550,
  "height": 740,
  "type": "jpeg",
  "space": "srgb",
  "hasAlpha": false,
  "hasProfile": true,
  "channels": 3,
  "orientation": 1

GET | POST /crop

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Crop the image by a given width or height. Image ratio is maintained

Allowed params
  • width int
  • height int
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /resize

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Resize an image by width or height. Image aspect ratio is maintained

Allowed params
  • width int required
  • height int
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /enlarge

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • width int required
  • height int required
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /extract

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • top int required
  • left int
  • areawidth int required
  • areaheight int
  • width int
  • height int
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /zoom

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • factor number required
  • width int
  • height int
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /thumbnail

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • width int
  • height int
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /rotate

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • rotate int required
  • width int
  • height int
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /flip

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • width int
  • height int
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /flop

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • width int
  • height int
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /convert

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • type string required
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string

GET | POST /watermark

Accept: image/*, multipart/form-data. Content-Type: image/*

Allowed params
  • text string required
  • margin int
  • dpi int
  • textwidth int
  • opacity float
  • noreplicate bool
  • font string
  • color string
  • quality int (JPEG-only)
  • compression int (PNG-only)
  • type string
  • file string - Only GET method and if the -mount flag is present
  • force bool
  • norotation bool
  • noprofile bool
  • colorspace string


MIT - Tomas Aparicio