
Ansible role to interact with Sumo Logic API

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Sumo Logic API

This role handles various actions regarding Sumo Logic's API an effort was made to stay Ansible native and to not write anything to disk.

IMPORTANT the Ingest Budgets field value can take any kind of value! this can lead to wrong assignments or not assinging at all

Automation the role can run mutliple times with no issues. multiple when conditions at different level will try and prevent api calls that will fail such as trying to create existing resources (Returns a 404 naturally and MSG saying the resource exists)

Instead of executing an api call on all items and catch the response we simply don't execute when we know it will fail

Rate-limiting API requests, append {{ sumologic['endpoints']['rate_limit'] | default() }} to the url:

Important links

ingest bugets api assign collector to ingest buget collector api methods

Role Tags

  • sumo.logic.api.ingestbudget.get
  • sumo.logic.api.ingestbudget.actions
  • sumo.logic.api.collector.get
  • sumo.logic.api.collector.actions

Role Vars

API response variables and Other variables are included in order to clarify the role.


Variables that can be passed to the role in order to filter when to execute a task.

Variable Type Description Default Value Comment
_ingestbudget_names list a list of names which is also a flag for the task-update ingest budget by name undefined example: '["default","demo","prod"]'
filter_bynames list a list of names which is also a flag for the task-get collectors by name (filter_bynames) undefined example: "['dev swarm-manager-new-1','demo swarm-manager-demo']"
filter_byids list a list of ids which is also a flag for the task-get collectors by ids (collector_ids) undefined example: '["153389659","153656487"]'

The when condition used with the lists uses in to find the name of the item in the loop in the list of names/ids
filter_byids and filter_byids are mutually excluded

Lists of names usage in the role
Names can be partial or exact (we use in to search and match with a list)
Ids should be exact although partial ids will match (we use in to search and match with a list)
_collector_types see [required variables] (we use in to search and match with a list)

AVOID Whitespace in Lists!

Role control

Variable Type Default Value Description
create_ingestbudgets Bool False a flag to exectue Taks: create ingest budgets
update_ingestbudgets Bool False a flag to execute Task: update ingest budgets
delete_ingestbudgets Bool False a flag to execute Tasks in the delete ingest budgets block
get_dangling_collectors Bool False a flag to execute Task: get all dangling collectors

DELETING Ingest Budgets

i. set delete_ingestbudgets to True to delete all of the ingest budgets ii. set _ingestbudget_names with delete_ingestbudgets to delete a named budget/s

Required variables

Variable Type Default Value Description
base_uri string Sumo Logic Endpoint US2 Sumo logic Endpoint (Check Docs for other regions)
_collector_types list "['Installable']" Types of Collector to further filter api calls; Examples: ('Hosted','Installable')
Variable Type Description Comment
sumologic dict used for SumoLogic vars Subkeys: 'api_credentials','endpoints'
predefined_ingestbudgets dict Predefined ingest budgets [JSON] (1) template json for api post (2) comparing names before posting

API Response variables

  • Ingest Budgets
Variable Type Description Comment
rjson_ingestbudgets list of dicts results of URI module get API response
_ingestbudgets dict a dictionary of ingest budgets create from rjson_ingestbudgets
  • Collectors
Variable Type Description Comment
rjson_collectors list of dicts results of URI module get API response
rjson_collectors_detailed_byname dict a dictionary of collectors filtered by names MUST use the filter when: item not skipped on downstream tasks

Other variables

Variable Type Description Comment
_ingestbudget_templates dict Used to create a list of ingest budget jsons created from predefined_ingestbudgets
_predef_ingestbudgets list Used to create new ingest budgets, to loop over predefined ingest budgets and when conditions created from .results of _ingestbudget_templates
_env_ingestbudget string contains a string like dev_5_gb per environment defaults to env_ingest_budget which should be present in inventory vars


etag is a unique change identifier which changes whenever we update a collector. etag is returned when doing a GET request for a specific collector. (Hosted or not)

  • ETAG (Unique change identifier)
  • Changes after a successful POST to update the collector

    For this reason you cannot update a collector twice without doing a GET between successful updates

Immutable Properties

For collector versions 19.137 and later, the user.properties file lets you pass configuration parameters during the installation of a new unregistered Collector. Once the collector is registered, to see if a parameter can be changed with a collector restart, check the "Can be changed after installation?" column of the table below.

No: cannot be changed (Requires a removal of the collector in Sumo Logic and recreating it)
API: must use the API to change
Edit: can be changed via the UI or API

NOTE On "API" Changes: When updating a collector via the API ensure you've also re-deployed user.properties with matching settings to avoid confusion or cases where the collector was deleted in Sumo Logic and re-registered with different values.
Side note on re-registration: collector who had their access key & id removed cannot re-register unless we re-deploy (we ensure those secrets are not saved past the initial registration)

Name Description Can be changed after installation?
fields=[list of fields] Comma-separated list of key=value fields. To assign an ingest budget use the field _budget with its Field Value. No, use the Collector Management API to modify.
accessid=accessId Access ID used when logging in with Access ID and Key No
accesskey=accessKey Access Key used when logging in with Access ID and Key No
category=category Source category to use when a source does not specify a category. No, use the Collector Management API to modify.
clobber=true/false When true, if there is any existing collector with the same name, that collector will be deleted (clobbered). No, use the Collector Management API to modify.
description=description Description for the collector to appear in Sumo Logic. No, use the Collector Management API to modify.
ephemeral=true/false When true, the collector will be deleted after 12 hours of inactivity. No, use the Collector Management API to modify
hostName=hostname The host name of the machine on which the collector is running. The host name can be a maximum of 128 characters. No, use the Collector Management API to modify.
name=name Sets the name of collector used on Sumo Logic. No, use Edit the Collector or the Collector Management API to modify
skipAccessKeyRemoval=true/false If true, it will skip the access key removal from the user.properties file. No
targetCPU=target You can choose to set a CPU target to limit the amount of CPU processing a collector uses. The value must be expressed as a whole number percentage. No, use the Collector Management API to modify.
timeZone=timezone The time zone to use when it cannot be extracted No, use the Collector Management API to modify.

Other settings not specified above: Yes, with Collector restart.

Name Description Can be changed after installation?
sources=filepath or folderpath Specifies a single UTF-8 encoded JSON file, or a folder containing UTF-8 encoded JSON files, that defines the Sources to configure upon Collector registration. The contents of the file or files is read upon Collector registration only, it is not synchronized with the Collector's configuration on an on-going basis. No
syncSources=filepath or folderpath Specifies either a single UTF-8 encoded JSON file, or a folder containing UTF-8 encoded JSON files, that define the Sources to configure upon Collector registration. The Source definitions will be continuously monitored and synchronized with the Collector's configuration. Yes, with Collector restart.

SynSources is how we've chosen to handle sources in order to easily change them (add/remove/modify) which would not otherwise be possible

Collector JSON Payload

Supplying the collector JSON to API can be done inline or using a template file.
In both of those forms we can use further Jinja2 loops and conditions to customize the template.

Both examples relay on the use of 'with_items:' over '"{{ rjson_collectors_detailed_byname.results|list|unique }}"'
Using list to flatten the results and unique to avoid duplicates that happen because of the way 'register' work in Ansible

  • Supplying an inline json:

This is an example of a "safe" template ensuring key-order

          _collector_json: |
              "collector": {
                "id": {{ item.item.id }},
                "name": "{{ item.item.name }}",
                "description": "{{ env }}_{{ item.item.name }}_collector",
                "hostName": "{{ item.item.hostName }}",
                "timeZone": "{{ item.item.timeZone }}",
                "fields": {
                  "_budget": "{{ _env_ingestbudget }}",
                "links": [
                    "rel": "sources",
                    "href": "/v1/collectors/{{ item.item.id }}/sources"
                "ephemeral": {{ item.item.ephemeral | lower }},
                "targetCpu": {{ item.item.targetCpu }},
                "sourceSyncMode": "{{ item.item.sourceSyncMode }}",
                "collectorType": "{{ item.item.collectorType }}",
                "collectorVersion": "{{ item.item.collectorVersion }}",
                "osVersion": "{{ item.item.osVersion }}",
                "osName": "{{ item.item.osName }}",
                "osArch": "{{ item.item.osArch }}",
                "lastSeenAlive": {{ item.item.lastSeenAlive }},
                "alive": {{ item.item.alive | lower }}
  • Using a template file
  "collector": {
    "id": {{ item.item.id }},
    "name": "{{ item.item.name }}",
    "description": "{{ env }}_{{ item.item.name }}_collector",
    "hostName": "{{ item.item.hostName }}",
    "timeZone": "{{ item.item.timeZone }}",
    "fields": {
      "_budget": "{{ _env_ingestbudget }}",
    "links": [
        "rel": "sources",
        "href": "/v1/collectors/item.item.id/sources"
    "ephemeral": {{ item.item.ephemeral | lower }},
    "targetCpu": {{ item.item.targetCpu }},
    "sourceSyncMode": "{{ item.item.sourceSyncMode }}",
    "collectorType": "{{ item.item.collectorType }}",
    "collectorVersion": "{{ item.item.collectorVersion }}",
    "osVersion": "{{ item.item.osVersion }}",
    "osName": "{{ item.item.osName }}",
    "osArch": "{{ item.item.osArch }}",
    "lastSeenAlive": {{ item.item.lastSeenAlive }},
    "alive": {{ item.item.alive | lower }}

Registering variables

When used in a loop the register variable will append the results of each iteration of the loop to the variable.
those results can be accessed under the results subkey under the variable name.

Caution: when registering a variable in a loop with a when condition the results will contain skipped items as well. You will have to account for that fact and check if the item is skipped when iterating over the results.
Caution: when using the same variable name in multiple tasks (example below) the variable will be overwritten if all of those tasks execute BUT it will also be overwritten even if the task was skipped because of then when condition.
TL;DR Do not use the same variable in multiple tasks

  - block:
      - name: get collectors by name (filter_bynames)
          msg: "{{ item }}"
        with_items: "{{ rjson_collectors.json.collectors }}"
        register: rjson_collectors_detailed
          - (filter_byids is not defined and filter_bynames is defined)
          - (rjson_collectors is succeeded and item.collectorType in _collector_types)
          - (item.name in filter_bynames)

      - name: get collectors by ids (collector_ids)
          msg: "{{ item }}"
        with_items: "{{ rjson_collectors.json.collectors }}"
        register: rjson_collectors_detailed
        when: filter_byids is defined


Ideally we would like to do small efficent loops and quickly move to the next task.
The easiest way this was tested was using the example below. this however had serious drawback in regards to readability of the output.

- name: test
  include: loop.yml
  with_items: "{{ rjson_collectors.json.collectors }}"
    loop_var: collector

- block:
    - name: DEBUG get collectors by name (filter_bynames)
        msg: "{{ collector.name }}"
      with_items: "{{ filter_bynames }}"
      when: item in collector.name

Ansible Playbook

ENV Variable Usage

  1. env is required to include variables and get credentials from credstash
  2. env is used to filter responses from Sumo Logic api or loop over results NOTE: Take care when mixing env and other settings
  • Creating ingest budgets
DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.ingestbudget.actions' -e env='dev'

The command above will create the default budget and the budget for the environment By default tasks will be skipped if the budget already exists

  • Update ingest budgets

To specify values to update an existing budget use updated_ingestbudgets. updated_ingestbudgets is a list of dicts. name & description values are optional as they will be set to the dictionary key by default.

  - prod_application:
      fieldValue: '6'
      capacityBytes: '6000000000'
      resetTime: 00:00
      action: stopCollecting
      timezone: 'Etc/UTC'

Use the structure above in defaults or your own variable file.

DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.ingestbudget.actions.update, sumo.logic.api.ingestbudget.actions' -e update_ingestbudget=True -e env='dev'
  • Delete an ingest budget named 'prod'
DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.ingestbudget.get, sumo.logic.api.ingestbudget.actions.delete' -e env='prod' -e delete_ingestbudgets='True' -e _ingestbudget_name='prod'
  • Get collectors by id
DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.collector.get' -e env='dev' -e filter_byids='["153389659","153656487"]'
  • Update collectors by name

Names the filter in is used instead of is or == to allow for partial names

NOTE The list must not contain spaces between items

DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.collector.actions' -e env='dev' -e _collector_types="['Installable']" -e filter_bynames="['dev swarm-manager-new-1','dev swarm-manager-new-2','dev tilix-dev-jenkins']"
DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.collector.actions' -e env='prod' -e filter_bynames="['prod vpn']"

Mixed types

DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.collector.actions' -e env='dev' -e _collector_types="['Installable','Hosted']" -e filter_bynames="['dev swarm-manager-new-1','dev swarm-manager-new-2','dev tilix-dev-jenkins','dev AWS']"
  • Update collectors by ids
DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.collector.actions' -e env='dev' -e filter_bynames="['dev swarm-worker-9','dev swarm-worker-8']" -e filter_byids='["153389659","153656487"]'
  • Update collectors without "{{ env }}" in their name

Referred in the role as dangling collectors

DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.collector.actions' -e env='dev' -e _collector_types="['Hosted','Installable']" -e 'get_dangling_collectors=true
  • Delete Collectors by environment

The delete task is intentionally strict to avoid mistakes
Exclude if the collector name has 'AWS'

DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.collector.actions, sumo.logic.api.collector.actions.delete' -e env='dev' -e delete_collectors=True -e _collector_types="['Installable']"
  • Delete collectors by environment and a list of ids or names

NOTE you must also specify the type of the list via delete_filter 'name' or 'id'; since it will be used to determine how the 'when' condition will be evaluated

DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ansible-playbook -i localhost sumo-logic-api-playbook.yml --tags 'sumo.logic.api.collector.actions, sumo.logic.api.collector.actions.delete' -e env='dev' -e delete_collectors=True -e _collector_types="['Installable']" -e delete_filter='name' -e delete_list="['dev swarm-manager-new-1','dev swarm-manager-new-2']"