
Code for paper "A Framework for Measuring Compositional Inductive Bias", Hugh Perkins, 2021 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.04180)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Icy code

To run inductive bias experiments, see below. Note that many scripts assume that MLFLOW_TRAKCING_URI exists, and points to a valid mlflow server.

Examples of grammars:

Use jupyter/mll/sample_grammars.ipynb

Evaluation of Icy benchmark grammars using compositional metrics

For metrics except tre:

python mll/sample_grammar_rhos.py --out-csv cmet005.csv --meanings 5x10 --metrics posdis,bosdis,compent,topsim

For TRE:

python mll/sample_grammar_tres.py --out-csv ibg011.csv

Human evaluation

Web site

The code for the web-site is in mll/turk/turk-web. You need to have npm installed. Then from this folder, run:

npm install
npm run build
  • The build subdirectory will then contain the built website
  • The website will be served from your webservice, see below


To run the webservice, you need to first build the web site (above), then, with python 3.7+ installed, first install the requirements`

pip install -r mll/turk/webservice/requirements.txt

Then, to run the webservice:

aihttp-devtools runserver mll/turk/webservice/service.py -p 5000
  • this will run on port 5000 by default
  • this will also serve the website, from the mll/turk/web-site/build folder, as the sub-folder /web/


You will need to place an https/ssl reverse proxy in front of the webservice. Nginx was used for this, and an example configuration file is pasted into the head of service.py file.

You will need to configure a dns name to point to your web-hosting, in order to obtain an https/ssl certificate. We used LetsEncrypt to create our certificate.


From an Amazon Mechanical Turk 'Requester' account, create a 'survey' task, and edit the url to point to your published webservice

  • you need to add the querystring parameter ?taskId=[task type] to the url, where [task_type] is the name of one of the files from mll/turk/webservice/configs folder, without the .yaml extension
  • you need to provide the url of the published index.html from the build subdirectory, which the webservice publishes as the web sub-folder
  • the url will likely look something like https://mydomain.com/web/index.html?taskId=eng_pnts_rot
    • (where you will replace mydomain.com with the actual dns name that you are publishing the webservice under)

Available configs

synth dataset:

  • pnts_comp
  • pnts_perm
  • pnts_proj
  • pnts_rot
  • pnts_shufdet

eng dataset:

  • eng_pnts_comp
  • eng_pnts_perm
  • eng_pnts_proj
  • eng_pnts_rot
  • eng_pnts_shufdet


  • service.py will create an SQLite database at data/turk.db

Accepting/rejecting HITs

  • you can use the script mll/turk/tools/review_hits.py to review hits, and accept/reject them
    • by default, the script rejects all HITs which score 0, and accepts automatically all HITs with a score of 100 or more
    • other hits are presented to you, for review. you can hit a to accept, n to reject, s to skip

Result analysis

  • you can use the script mll/turk/tools/reduce_results.py to retrieve the results, from the database, and write into latex formatted tables.

Evaluation of standard neural models

Sender models

for seed in {123..127}; do { python mll/mem_runner2.py --ref foo${seed} --dir send --tgt-acc 0.8 -m 5x10 --count-steps --seed ${seed}; } done

You can synthesize the resulting logs using:

python mll/analyse/reduce_csvs.py --in-refs foo123-foo127 \
    --out-ref foo \
    --row-key arch \
    --include-fields arch,params,Permute_ratio,RandomProj_ratio,Cumrot_ratio,ShuffleWordsDet_ratio,Holistic_ratio 
    --numeric-fields Permute_ratio,RandomProj_ratio,Cumrot_ratio,ShuffleWordsDet_ratio,Holistic_ratio \
    --include-keys FC1L,FC2L,RNNAutoReg:LSTM,RNNAutoReg2L:LSTM,TransDecSoft,TransDecSoft2L,Hashtable

Receiver models

for seed in {123..127}; do { python mll/mem_runner2.py --ref foo${seed} --dir recv --tgt-acc 0.8 -m 5x10 --count-steps --seed ${seed}; } done

You can again use mll/analyse/reduce_csvs.py to reduce the resulting logs files.

Effect of number of parameters

for seed in {123..132}; do { python mll/mem_runner2.py --ref foo${seed} --dir send --tgt-acc 0.8 -m 5x10 --count-steps --send-arch RNNAutoReg:LSTM,FC2L --embedding-size 1280 --render-every-steps 1 --seed ${seed}; } done

Then reduce the results using reduce_csvs.py, as above

Acquisition accuracy given fixed training budget

for seed in {123..132}; do { ulfs_submit.py --ref foo${seed} -- mll/mem_runner2.py --dir send --max-mins 60 --seed ${seed}; } done

Reduce the results using

python mll/analyse/reduce_csvs.py --in-refs foo123-foo132 --out-ref foo --row-key arch --include-fields arch,params,Permute,RandomProj,Cumrot,ShuffleWordsDet,Holistic --numeric-fields Permute,RandomProj,Cumrot,ShuffleWordsDet,Holistic --include-keys FC1L,FC2L,RNNAutoReg:LSTM,RNNAutoReg2L:LSTM,TransDecSoft,TransDecSoft2L,Hashtable

Search for model with low bias against shufdet

for seed in {123..132}; do { python mll/mem_runner2.py --ref foo${seed} --dir send --tgt-acc 0.8 --send-arch RNNAutoReg:LSTM,RNNZero:LSTM,HierAutoReg:RNN,HierZero:RNN,RNNAutoReg:dgsend,RNNZero:dgsend,HierAutoReg:dgsend,HierZero:dgsend --count-steps --seed ${seed}; } done

Then reduce the results using:

python mll/analyse/reduce_csvs.py --in-refs foo123-foo132 --out-ref foo --row-key arch --include-fields arch,params,Permute_ratio,RandomProj_ratio,Cumrot_ratio,ShuffleWordsDet_ratio,Holistic_ratio --numeric-fields Permute_ratio,RandomProj_ratio,Cumrot_ratio,ShuffleWordsDet_ratio,Holistic_ratio

End to end training

for seed in {123..132}; do { python mll/mem_runner_e2e.py --ref foo${seed} --link RL --train-acc 0.99 --send-ent-reg 0.01 --recv-ent-reg 0.01 --opt Adam --softmax-sup --seed ${seed} --arch-pairs FC2L+RNN:LSTM,RNNAutoReg:LSTM+RNN:LSTM,TransDecSoft+RNN:LSTM,HierZero:dgsend+RNN:LSTM; } done

Then, to output csv of results:

python mll/analyse/graph_example_training_curves_2.py --in-ref foo123-foo132 --out-csv /tmp/foo.csv

Or to plot a png:

python mll/analyse/graph_example_training_curves_2.py --in-ref foo123-foo132 --out-png /tmp/out.png