
stream of home listings using the SimplyRETS API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


home-stream preview

A coding challenge to display a stream of home listings using the SimplyRETS API, React, Firebase, and localStorage.


git clone https://github.com/asapzacy/home-stream.git && cd home-stream
yarn && yarn start

then --> localhost:3000


This is what happens on initial page load.

  1. <AppContainer /> checks localStorage for a userId property, if it doesn't find one, it creates a 9-digit random integer, and has 1 state property—

    • userId (integer)
  2. <AppContainer /> passes along its' state to <StreamContainer /> who uses the axios promise-based HTTP package to fetch the simpleRETS API listings. <StreamContainer /> has 3 state properties—

    • listings (array)

    • isLoading (boolean)

    • isError (boolean)

  3. isLoading state is initially set to true and renders <Loading /> component.

  4. Once axios returns a promise, isLoading is set to false. If the promise is successful, listings array is filled with data, if not, isError is set to true and will render <Error /> component.

  5. <StreamContainer /> passes listings array to <Stream /> presentational component, who maps over the array and returns a <HomeListing /> functional container for each listing.

  6. <HomeContainer /> is the final stateful container in this project. It is comprised of 2 state properties—

    • isSaved (boolean)

    • photo (integer)

  7. The photo state will pick a random number 0 or 1 and use that number for the listing image (simpleRETS API returns an array of 2 images). <HomeContainer /> will check Firebase (https://home-stream.firebaseio.com) and see if the listing id is saved, will update its' state appropriately.

  8. The last step in this process is creating a saveListing() function in <HomeContainer /> and passing that along to a <Save /> component. The <Save /> is just a simple button that will display a <Save /> or <Check /> Google Material icon depending on its' isSaved state.

  9. Finally, <HomeContainer /> passes along all its' listing information to a <Home /> presentational component who displays the data and makes it look nice.



This is how the Firebase database is set up.

  • home-stream/

    • users/ - (saved users)

      • 11081799/ - (9-digit random integer)

        • homes/ - (saved homes)

          • 1005242/ - (mld id integer)

            • address/

            • agent/

            • geo/

            • photos/

            • etc../ - (all the listing information)

      • 313120421/

      • 257400343/

      • 814608816/