
Sass partial with all Google material colors as variables

Primary LanguageCSS


Here's a list of all the Google material design colors. You can download the g-colors partial to use any of these colors as variables without having to copy + paste from the site all the time! There's a bunch of them, so you should be able to create a nice palette with them.

##Usage Download g-colors and import the _g-colors.scss partial into your styles.scss manifest file. If you're unfamiliar with Sass partials, you can read more about them on the Sass guide. Make sure to import the g-colors partial towards the beginning of the file so the rest of your SCSS files can use the variables. Then it's as simple as using a variable for any google material color you want.


  • @import "g-colors.scss";
  • Red 500 can be used with the variable $red-500
  • Deep Purple A400 with $deep_purple-A400