
Session Server for the Go Mobile App

Primary LanguageJava

Go Session Server

A session server for the Go Mobile App

The Session Server is responsible for establishing a game session between two clients. It handles the communication between the two clients and the game logic in the Go Haskell Socket Server .


To build the project, you can use the following Maven command:

mvn -B package --file pom.xml

Running Services with Docker Compose

Run Go Session Server:

Before running the service, you need to provide your Google Credentials (./google-credentials.json) in the project's source directory.

docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up -d start

Run Firebase Emulator:

Before running the service, ensure you've provided your Google Credentials (./google-credentials.json) in the project's source directory.

docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up -d start-firestore-emulator


First, you'll need to build the project. Once done, follow these steps for Docker image creation and pushing:

Create Go Session Server Image:

# Docker Hub
docker image build -t asattelmaier/go-session-server:latest -f docker/go-session-server/Dockerfile .
# Google Cloud
docker image build -t europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev/PROJECT_ID/go-services/go-session-server:latest -f docker/go-session-server/Dockerfile .

Push Go Session Server Image:

# Docker Hub
docker push asattelmaier/go-session-server:latest
# Google Cloud
docker push europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev/PROJECT_ID/go-services/go-session-server:latest

Create Firestore Emulator Image:

docker image build -t asattelmaier/firestore-emulator:latest -f docker/firestore-emulator/Dockerfile .