- NPM - Package manager for node.js
- Bower - Package manager for web applications
- Node.js - Run-time environment
- Gulp - Task runner
- Browserify - bundles the code into a single file
- Express.js - Web framework, responds isomorphic code
- MongoDB - NoSQL database
- Mongoose.js - database interactions
- React - JavaScript library
- jQuery- used for AJAX requests
- Browserify - used for dependency management
- JavaScript Style Guide - I use the Style Guide by Airbnb
- React/JSX Style Guide - I use the Style Guide by Airbnb
- .gitignore - File from Reacts Repository
- .babelrc - I used the babel settings by Airbnb
- .elintrc.js - Strict ESLint config for React, ES6 (based on Airbnb Code style) (Note: added .js to .eslintrc configuration file just to have proper code highlighting here in gist.)
$ [sudo] forever start -c "node -r babel-register" .server/server.js
// or with npm
$ [sudo] npm run-script build