Run a React + Python web application on AWS Lambda
(cd api && mkvenv $(cat .python-version) && pip install -r api/requirements.txt)
(cd app && yarn install)
(cd infrastructure && terraform init)
Run Python API server locally:
cd api
Test the Python API server running locally:
curl http://localhost:8000/api/date
# {"date": "2020-09-05T17:06:29.287091"}
Run React client web application locally:
cd app
yarn start
Test the React client webvapplication locally:
- Visit http://localhost:3000/
- The page should display, but will fail to fetch the date from the Python server
Run the proxy server locally:
# The proxy server runs the Python API server and also serves the web application
(cd app; yarn build)
Test the proxy server locally:
- Visit http://localhost:8000/
- The page should should display, and fetch the date from the Python server
Deploy infrastructure:
cd infrastructure
terraform apply
Deploy the system:
# Created
# Deployment succeeded to
Test the deployed system:
- Visit the URL emitted by the deployment script
- The page should should display, and fetch the date from the Python server