
Flickr gallery

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Flickr gallery. Name is from Discworlds character, Offler in the Deaths domain.

To use

Include the module in your website like so:

<script type="text/javascript" src="offlr.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="offlr.min.css">

And then initiate is where you feel like like so:

<div class="fn-offlr-div"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var offlr = new Offlr({
        element: document.querySelector([element_you want to use]),
        api_key: [your_api_key]



  • element - Target element for gallery
  • api_key - API Key for Flickr API


  • per_page - Defaults to 10
  • elementClass - Defaults to offlr-gallery.
  • photoClass - Defaults to offlr-gallery__photo.
  • search_tag - Defaults to null

Public functions



var offlr = new Offlr({
document.querySelector('input[name="search"]').addEventListener('change', function (e) {


npm run start to fire up Grunt to watch for changes and a http-server that serves demo/index.html npm run build to build minified js and css-file.


  • Fix animation for IE/Edge. Right now its just static balls.
    • Problem should be solved by using an element with, for example, two spans instead of using pseudo-elements.
  • Show titles in photos on maybe hover.
  • Add ability to show large picture by clicking on image.
    • Solution: create a request to flickr.photos.getSizes to get possible sizes for that image and show the one that fits the current browser best.
  • Extend to use other of flickr-apis functions.

Tested on:

  • IE9 - Need to load local JSON
  • IE10
  • IE11
  • Edge
  • Latest Chrome
  • Latest Firefox
  • Latest iOS