JSON Resume Golden Theme

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This is a theme for JSON Resume based on the Kards design by styleshout, heavily modified to fit the needs of asbjor.nu.

Intro About
Profile Resume

Getting started

Serve theme

If you have JSON Resume and this theme installed locally (through NPM or similar), you can run the following command to serve up a resume.json file:

resume serve --theme golden --resume <path/to/resume.json>

You should now see this message:

Preview: http://localhost:4000
Press ctrl-c to stop

The resume should open in a new tab in your default browser.

Editing template

If you need to edit the template to suit your needs, you can do so by following the below instructions.

Get source from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/asbjornu/jsonresume-theme-golden.git
cd jsonresume-theme-golden

Serve it up

npx resume serve --theme . --resume <path/to/resume.json>

This will use the local version of the theme to render the resume.json file. If there is a local copy of resume.json this will be used. Otherwise, it will use the default resume.json from jsonresume.org.

Change background images

In order for the generated html to be self contained this theme ships with the background images embedded in the css. To change the images, edit the file theme/less/config.less:

@bg-img-url: "data:image/...";
@intro-bg-img-url: "data:image/...";
@logo-img-url: "data:image/...";

Then rebuild:

npm run build

Then serve again:

npx resume serve --theme . --resume <path_to_resume.json>

License and credits

The template design is available under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License attributed to styleshout.

The source code for generating resume is available under the MIT license.

The background image is by StockSnap from Pixabay.