Open Weather Forecast API Service

A simple express HTTP server written in TypeScript for Weather Forecast of 3 selected cities:

  • Milan
  • Porto
  • Beijing


Ensure you have the following modules installed in your machine

  • node >= 16
  • yarn >= 3.5
  • docker >= 23
  • docker-compose >= 1.29


After you have cloned the repo, you need to install the dependencies with yarn.

The latest version of Yarn is committed in the repo .yarn/releases/ folder, to enable it run:

yarn set version stable

➤ YN0000: Retrieving
➤ YN0000: Saving the new release in .yarn/releases/yarn-3.5.0.cjs
➤ YN0000: Done in 0s 557ms

Then to install the dependencies

yarn install


The development command start the server in watch mode with ts-node-dev

yarn dev

The env variables are loaded during the server bootstrap with dotenv from the default .env file. The dotenv config path can be configured with the DOTENV_CONFIG env variable.

As additional step, dotenv loads also an .env.local file that can be used to setup sensible data since its ignored by git (the OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY can be set here).


The Spec test are run with mocha and the configuration can be found in .mocharc.js

yarn test           # single run of spec test with mocha
yarn test:watch     # watch for changes in ./src/**/*.ts
yarn test:coverage  # output test coverage with nyc


The output build is performed with TypeScript and a proper configuration. It can be run with:

yarn build


The service has its own docker image defined and a docker-compose configuration to easily run the service.

You can build the image with

docker-compose build

And then start the service with

docker-compose up
api    |   mamac:server:debug Creating express app with env {
api    |   mamac:server:debug   DEBUG: 'mamac:*',
api    |   mamac:server:debug   PORT: 3005,
api    |   mamac:server:debug   OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY: '**********',
api    |   mamac:server:debug   HOST: ''
api    |   mamac:server:debug } +0ms
api    |   mamac:server:debug Check server is running at +5ms
api    |   mamac:server:debug Added GET current weather route +0ms
api    |   mamac:server:debug Server listening on +6ms


Do you want to run all the commands at once?
