quick-cocos2d-x is a *quick* framework, based cocos2d-x. Make mobile games in Lua. Code Less, Play More!
cocos2d-x is a multi-platform 2D game engine in C++, based on cocos2d-iphone and licensed under MIT. Now this engine has been expanded to iOS, Android, Bada, BlackBerry, Marmalade and desktop operating systems like Linux, WindowsXP & Windows7.
Main Features
- Make game in Lua: Learn easy, Use easy, Build easy.
- Enhanced Simulator: Run the game from any directory, multiple resolution switching, debug console, More detailed error information.
- Full-featured development framework: Write the entire game using Lua.
- Native extensions: Integration of third-party components, including IAP, GameCenter, Gree, Flurry, etc..
- Open-Source: Make your native extensions free. Licen
quick-cocos2d-x is licensed under the MIT license. That means you can use it freely for any purpose — including commercial ones.
local sprite = display.newSprite("hello.png", 100, 100)
local scene = display.newScene()
Full-featured development framework
Main modules:
- display: creates scenes, display objects, animation ...
- transition: moving, fades, creates animation programing easy ...
- audio: play background music, effect sounds ...
- ui: creates button, menu, label ...
- luaj: Lua call Java, Java call Lua ...
- network: Asynchronous HTTP requests, JSON, check the network status ...
- GameNetwork: Integration GameCenter, Gree Platform, China Mobile Game Community ...
- Store: Integration IAP, China Mobile Pay API ...
- GameState: save game state to file, hash check ...
API Documents: http://dualface.github.com/quick-cocos2d-x/docs/framework/index.html
Lua running on the server, share code between client and server
With nginx-lua server environment and Redis database framework provides efficient server architecture. Developers can shared code between the client and server.