
.NET library for InfluxDB distributed time series database.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


>[InfluxDB](http://influxdb.com/) An open-source distributed time series database
with no external dependencies. It is the new home for all of your metrics, events, and analytics.

A Portable .NET library to access the REST API of a [InfluxDB](http://influxdb.com/) database.

Install-Package InfluxDB.Net-Main

**.NET Core Installation**
dotnet add package InfluxDB.Net.Core --version 1.1.22-beta

**Versions of InfluxDB**  
The currently supported versions of InfluxDB is 0.9 - 1.1. When creating a connection to the database you can specify the version to use, or the *auto* configuration that starts by determening the version.

#### List of supported methods
- [Ping](#ping)
- [Version](#version)
- [CreateDatabase](#create-database)
- [DeleteDatabase](#delete-database)
- [DescribeDatabases](#describe-databases)
- [Write](#write)
- [Query](#query)
- CreateClusterAdmin(User user);
- DeleteClusterAdmin(string name);
- DescribeClusterAdmins();
- UpdateClusterAdmin(User user, string name);
- CreateDatabaseUser(string database, User user);
- DeleteDatabaseUser(string database, string name);
- DescribeDatabaseUsers(String database);
- UpdateDatabaseUser(string database, User user, string name);
- AuthenticateDatabaseUser(string database, string user, string password);
- GetContinuousQueries(String database);
- DeleteContinuousQuery(string database, int id);
- DeleteSeries(string database, string name);
- ForceRaftCompaction();
- Interfaces();
- Sync();
- ListServers();
- RemoveServers(int id);
- CreateShard(Shard shard);
- GetShards();
- DropShard(int id, Shard.Member servers);
- GetShardSpaces();
- DropShardSpace(string database, string name);
- CreateShardSpace(string database, ShardSpace shardSpace);

## Ping
var _client = new InfluxDb("http://...:8086", "root", "root");
  Pong pong =await _client.PingAsync();
## Version
var _client = new InfluxDb("http://...:8086", "root", "root");
  string version =await  _client.VersionAsync();
## Create Database
var _client = new InfluxDb("http://...:8086", "root", "root");
 InfluxDbApiCreateResponse response =await  _client.CreateDatabaseAsync("MyDb");
 InfluxDbApiCreateResponse response = await _client.CreateDatabaseAsync(new DatabaseConfiguration
                Name = "MyDb"
## Delete Database
var _client = new InfluxDb("http://...:8086", "root", "root");
InfluxDbApiDeleteResponse deleteResponse = await _client.DeleteDatabaseAsync("MyDb");
## Describe Databases
var _client = new InfluxDb("http://...:8086", "root", "root");
List<Database> databases = await _client.ShowDatabasesAsync();
## Write
var _client = new InfluxDb("http://...:8086", "root", "root");
Serie serie = new Serie.Builder("testSeries")
                .Columns("value1", "value2")
                .Values(DateTime.Now.Millisecond, 5)
InfluxDbApiResponse writeResponse =await _client.WriteAsync("MyDb", TimeUnit.Milliseconds, serie);

## Query
var _client = new InfluxDb("http://...:8086", "root", "root");
 List<Serie> series = await _client.QueryAsync("MyDb", "select * from testSeries"), TimeUnit.Milliseconds);

## Bugs
If you encounter a bug, performance issue, or malfunction, please add an [Issue](https://github.com/pootzko/InfluxDB.Net/issues) with steps on how to reproduce the problem.

##PowerShell Cmdlet
The *PowerShell Cmdlet* can be tested using the script *TestInfluxDb.ps1*.

import-module [PATH]\InfluxDb -force

$db = Open-InfluxDb -Uri:"http://...:8086" -User:"root" -Password:"root"

$pong = Ping-InfluxDb -Connection:$db

Adds a new database.
Add-InfluxDb -Connection:$db -Name:"SomeDatabase"

*Not yet implemented*

## License

Code and documentation are available according to the *MIT* License (see [LICENSE](https://github.com/ziyasal/InfluxDB.Net/blob/master/LICENSE)).