The codes provided in this repository are a supplement of the work
[1] H^1-Stability of the L^2-Projection onto Finite Element Spaces on Adaptively Refined Quadrilateral Meshes, Mazen Ali, Stefan A. Funken, Anja Schmidt, arXiv preprint 2020,
This repository consists of
- MAPLE code to compute local mass matrices for triangles and quadrilaterals, polynomial degree can be varied
- mass matrices stored as .mat-files for further computation in MATLAB
- MATLAB code to solve eigenvalue problem as described in [1], polynomial degree and number of hanging nodes can be varied
The tables in [1] represent the results from the codes
- compute_table_tri for triangular elements without hanging nodes
- compute_table for parallelogrgam elements with 0,1,2 hanging nodes
- compute_table_nonlinear for general quadrilateral elements (with some restrictions)