
Wiring / Arduino based IoT Skeleton Embedded Application

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Wiring / Arduino based IoT Skeleton Embedded Application, powered by PlatformIO

The project has initially been created for and tested on an Adafruit ESP8266 Huzzah controller module. Now it has been migrated to NodeMCU (also ESP8266 based).


This project builds up an Arduino Framework based IoT application skeleton and it comprises of several components helping with debugging and integrating embedded applications on Arduino and ESP8266 ESP-12 based contoller modules.

The command line interface provides the following functionality:

  • configure the WiFi access point (SSID & Password) and show the WiFi connection status
  • ThingSpeak features:
    • setup a channel to be written to later on (ChID & API Key)
    • set ThingSpeak channel data fields (1..8) and write the data to the channel

(Planned: MQTT features)

This skeleton application can help you to build up your own Arduino Framework based applications with focus on IoT.

It demonstrates the usage of the following copmonents:

How to build for Eclipse CDT

  1. Create a directory where your Eclipse Workspace will be stored and where this project shall be cloned into. E.g. C:\git\pio-prj
  2. Clone this repository recursively into the folder you created before, git clone --recursive git@github.com:dniklaus/wiring-iot-skeleton.git
  3. Open a command shell in the just cloned project folder, i.e in C:\git\pio-prj\wiring-iot-skeleton
  4. Run the command pio init -b nodemcuv2 --ide eclipse
  5. Run the command pio run

Open project in Eclipse CDT

  1. Open Eclipse CDT, choose the folder you created before as workspace, i.e C:\git\pio-prj
  2. Import the project with File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace, choose the wiring-iot-skeleton (i.e C:\git\pio-prj\wiring-iot-skeleton)

Connect Terminal Emulation

In order to test and run the CLI commands, a terminal emulation program shall be used. The one giving you the best experience will be the HTerm. Load the hterm-com18.cfg file to configure HTerm properly. Alter the COM18 accordingly to the one that has been selected on your computer.

Debug Features

Debug CLI Commands

Command Tree

 dbg                      Debug CLI root node
   tr                     Debug Trace Port config access
     heap                 Particular Trace Port (heap: see below in chapter Trace Port)
       out                Trace Output config access for the current trace port
         get              Show the assigned Trace Output
         set <outName>    Set a particular Trace Output name
         list             Show all available Trace Output names (and the currently selected)
       lvl                Trace Level config access for the current trace port
         get              Show the current trace level
         set <level>      Set a particular trace level
         list             Show all available trace levels (and the currenntly selected)
   wifi                   WiFi debug commands
     mac                  show WiFi MAC address
     stat                 Show WiFi status
     dis                  Disconnect WiFi
     con <SSID> <Pass>    Connect WiFi
   thgspk                 ThingSpeak debug commands
     chid <channelId>     Set ThingSpeak Channel ID.
     key <APIKey>         Set ThingSpeak API key.
     set <value> [field]  Set ThingSpeak field value (field: 1..8, default: 1)
     wr                   ThingSpeak write fields.

Example commands

  • dbg tr heap lvl set debug
  • dbg thgspk set 23.6 1
  • dbg thgspk set 25.3 2
  • dbg thgspk wr

Trace Port

Trace Port default level functionality
heap info if set to debug level: automatically print free heap memory [bytes], every 10 seconds

Library Usage

This chapter lists all the libraries this project is using.

PlatformIO Libraries

ID Name URL Description
173 SerialCommand https://github.com/kroimon/Arduino-SerialCommand A Wiring/Arduino library to tokenize and parse commands received over a serial port.
550 ThingSpeak https://github.com/mathworks/thingspeak-particle "MathWorks": ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino & ESP8266

Homebrew Libraries

Name URL Description
Timer https://github.com/dniklaus/arduino-utils-timer Universal recurring or non-recurring Timer
Debug-Cli https://github.com/ERNICommunity/debug-cli Debug CLI for Embedded Applications - Command Line Interface for debugging and testing based on object oriented tree structure.
Dbg-Trace https://github.com/ERNICommunity/dbg-trace Debug Trace component for Embedded Applications - Debug and Trace Log message system based on trace ports with adjustable levels.
RamUtils https://github.com/dniklaus/arduino-utils-mem Arduino Memory Utilities