- 0
Issue with fullscreen apps
#26 opened by dtokos - 1
Crash if user double clicks to close
#16 opened by plaetzchen - 0
Flicker when closing
#25 opened by ExoticObjects - 6
Swift usage
#18 opened by jeff-h - 4
Swift issue (EXC_BAD_ACCESS)
#20 opened by jeff-h - 4
Problems with 10.10
#14 opened by copa - 8
- 0
- 2
Mission control issue: stays afloat
#13 opened by cakl - 0
Yosemite / 10.10 initial window positioning wrong
#19 opened by jeff-h - 1
- 2
Popover not selected
#1 opened by river - 1
Close when losing focus
#3 opened by deplorableword