
A collection of extensions of common types for the Argo JSON parser.

Primary LanguageSwift


Carthage compatible

A collection of extensions of common types for the Argo JSON parser.

In Greek mythology, Argo was the ship on which Jason and the Argonauts sailed from Iolcos to retrieve the Golden Fleece.


Given the following JSON, GoldenFleece lets us directly parse an NSURL from the profile_picture and a CLLocation from the location using Argo/Runes.

	"name": "Alex",
	"profile_picture": "http://example.com/picture.png",
	"location": {
		"lat": 48.11,
		"lon": 16.55
import Argo
import Runes
import GoldenFleece

struct User {
    let name: String
    let profilePictureURL: NSURL
    let location: CLLocation

extension User: Decodable {
    static func create(name: String)(profilePictureURL: NSURL)(location: CLLocation) -> User {
        return self(name: name, profilePictureURL: profilePictureURL, location: location)
    static func decode(j: JSON) -> Decoded<User> {
        return User.create
            <^> j <| "name"
            <*> j <| "profile_picture"	// directly decodes String into NSURL
            <*> j <| "location"			// directly decodes location into CLLocation

Decodeable Extensions

GoldenFleece collects helpful extensions for common types to be directly used with Argo/Runes. Currently only a handful extensions are supported, but pull requests are more than welcome.

Class Description
CLLocation Converts a JSON dictionary {"lat": 48.2, "lon": 16.36} to a CLLocation.
NSURL Converts a JSON string to NSURL



Add the following line to your Cartfile.

github "aschuch/GoldenFleece"

Then run carthage update.


Just drag and drop the three .swift files in the GoldenFleece folder into your project.


Open the Xcode project and press ⌘-U to run the tests.

Alternatively, all tests can be run from the terminal using xctool.

xctool -scheme GoldenFleeceTests -sdk iphonesimulator test


  • CocoaPods support


  • Create something awesome, make the code better, add some functionality, whatever (this is the hardest part).
  • Fork it
  • Create new branch to make your changes
  • Commit all your changes to your branch
  • Submit a pull request


Feel free to get in touch.