
Parser-combinators with Multiplatform Kotlin Coroutines

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Maven Central License: MIT Gradle build

A framework for writing composable parsers for JVM, JS and Kotlin/Native based on Kotlin Coroutines.

val booleanGrammar = object : Grammar<Expr>() {
    init { regexToken("\\s+", ignored = true) }
    val id by regexToken("\\w+")
    val lpar by literalToken("(")
    val rpar by literalToken(")")
    val not by literalToken("!")
    val and by literalToken("&")
    val or by literalToken("|")
    val impl by literalToken("->")

    val negation by -not * ref(::term) map { Not(it) }
    val braced by -lpar * ref(::root) * -rpar

    val term: Parser<Expr> by (id map { Var(it.text) }) or negation or braced

    val andChain by leftAssociative(term, and, ::And)
    val orChain by leftAssociative(andChain, or, ::Or)
    val implChain by rightAssociative(orChain, impl, ::Impl)

    override val root by implChain

val ast = booleanGrammar.parseEntire("a & (b1 -> c1) | a1 & !b | !(a1 -> a2) -> a").getOrThrow()


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  • 0-dependencies. Parsus only depends on Kotlin Standard Library.
  • Pure Kotlin. Parsers are specified by users directly in Kotlin without the need for any codegen.
  • Debuggable. Since parsers are pure non-generated Kotlin, they can be debugged like any other program.
  • Stack-Neutral. Leveraging the power of coroutines, parsers are able to process inputs with arbitrary nesting entirely avoiding stack-overflow problems.
  • Extensible. Parser combinators provided out-of-the-box are built on top of only a few core primitives. Therefore, users can extend the library with custom powerful combinators suitable for their use-case.
  • Composable. Parsers are essentially functions, so they can be composed in imperative or declarative fashion allowing for unlimited flexibility.

There are, however, no pros without cons. Parsus relies heavily on coroutines machinery. This comes at a cost of some performance and memory overhead as compared to other techniques such as generating parsers at compile-time from special grammar formats.


The goal of a grammar is to define rules by which to turn an input string of characters into a structured value. This value is usually an abstract syntax tree. But it could also be an evaluated result, if we have specified evaluation rules directly in the grammar.

In order to define a grammar we only need two things: list of tokens and a root parser. Here is how one of the simplest grammars looks with Parsus:

val g1 = object : Grammar<String>() {
    val tokenA by literalToken("a")
    override val root by parser { tokenA().text }

println(g1.parseEntireOrThrow("a")) // prints "a"

It is just a few lines of declarative code, but there a lot going on under the hood. So, let us break it down.


First, there is the Grammar class that needs to be extended in order to define you custom grammar. In the example above an anonymous class is declared, but it could just as well a normal class.

class MyClass : Grammar<MyResult>() {
    // tokens and parsers go here

    override val root: Parser<MyResult> = TODO()

There are two important things to note. The Grammar is a generic class, and has a type parameter that defines the result type of the root parser. Because Kotlin requires us to specify type parameters of the class, often the explicit type of the root parser can be omitted. The root parser will be used to produce the parsed result when calling a method such as parseToEnd on a grammar. However, before we can discuss how to define the root and other parsers, we need to understand the basic building block of any parser - a token.


Each token we declare within a grammar describes a pattern of how this token can be recognized in the input string. Whenever a parser requires the next token to proceed, the parser asks the grammar to find a token match for the current position in the input. When a match is found it is described by the token, an offset in the input string where the match starts, and the length of the match.

The simplest type of token is a literal token. It matches only strings that are exactly like the given literal. Therefore, the token tokenA from the example will only match if the character in the current position is "a".

    val tokenA by literalToken("a")

Another thing to note is that the member tokenA is declared via the by keyword, meaning that it uses Kotlin's property-delegation mechanism. When declaring tokens this way, they are automatically registred within a grammar, so they can participate in the matching process when parsing.

Alternatively, the token could be registered anonymously. This could be useful, when we do not need to reference the token anywhere else when writing parsers. Most often, the tokens that need to be ignored are defined this way.

val g2 = object : Grammar<String>() {
    init {
        regexToken("\\s+", ignored = true)

    val tokenA by literalToken("a")
    override val root by parser { tokenA().text }

println(g2.parseEntireOrThrow(" a\t")) // prints "a"

In this example, we create a token by calling regexToken. This token will use the regular expression to match any whitespace in the input string. Since we want to simply ignore the whitespace, we will not reference this token in any of the parsers. Therefore, we register the token in the init-block of the class without assigning it to a member.

Now, that we know how to declare and register different kinds of tokens, let us explore how to use those tokens to write parsers.


Parser definition achieves two goals. Firstly, it defines the sequence of tokens that is expected to appear in the input. Secondly, it transforms the matched tokens into a value.

One of the simplest parsers that we can construct expects only one token and returns the text of the token match as a value. And that is exactly what we saw previously.

val g1 = object : Grammar<String>() {
    val tokenA by literalToken("a")
    override val root by parser { tokenA().text }

In order to understand how to use parsers, we need to take a look at the core abstractions.

The central piece of the puzzle is the Parser interface itself.

interface Parser<out T> {
    suspend fun ParsingScope.parse(): T

Essentially, a parser is a function that can be called within a parsing scope and would return a parsed value. When something is a function, it can almost certainly be represented as a lambda. This is exactly how we have seen the parsers to be defined using the parser { ... } function that takes lambda and returns a parser.

The parsing result is an explicit representation of either a successfully parsed value, or an error that the parser encountered while trying to process the input.

sealed class ParseResult<out T>
data class ParsedValue<T>(val value: T) : ParseResult<T>()
abstract class ParseError : ParseResult<Nothing>()
data class MismatchedToken(val expected: Token, val found: TokenMatch) : ParseError()
// more parser errors

The most powerful thing about parsers is that they can be composed. A parsing scope is what gives parsers this power. The parser scope interface provides an extension function to execute any parser and extract its result.

interface ParsingScope {
    suspend operator fun <R> Parser<R>.invoke(): R
    // ... more ...

We have already seen an example with a call to this function: tokens are parsers too. The Token class implements Parser<TokenMatch>, and when invoked within a parsing scope it would return an actual TokenMatch. From this match we can take the text fragment of the input string to which this match corresponds. The text fragment can then be converted into a number or stored as a name of an identifier, etc.

Here is grammar that parses an integer:

val g3 = object : Grammar<Int>() {
    val tokenNum by regexToken("[0-9]+")
    override val root by parser { tokenNum().text.toInt() }

println(g3.parseEntireOrThrow("123")) // prints 123

Parser Combinators

In order to combine parsers, we need to define more than one. The intermediate parsers can be declared as members of the same grammar class to make them easier to be reused.

As we have learned previously, tokens are parsers. So we can define a couple of them to play with.

val g4 = object : Grammar<String>() {
    val tokenNum by regexToken("[0-9]+")
    val tokenId by regexToken("[a-z]+")
    val tokenPlus by literalToken("+")
    override val root by parser {
        val id = tokenId().text
        val num = tokenNum().text
        "($id) + ($num)"

println(g4.parseEntireOrThrow("abc+123")) // prints "(abc) + (123)"

This example shows the main way in which parsers are combined - sequentially. The root parser expects first an id to appear, then a plus-sign, then a number. If at any point there is an unexpected token, then the whole parser fails with the mismatched-token error.

Notice also, that we use another useful property of the sequential execution. With the tokenPlus() statement we execute the parser, but we ignore the result. This is most often used with token-parsers when we only need to make sure that a certain piece of syntax is in the expected place in the input.

Another important way of combining parsers is to say that we expect one of several parsers to succeed at a certain point. Even in the case when the first parser fails, the parent parser does not produce an error immediately. Instead, the parent parser tries out the remaining alternatives. If there is one alternative that succeeds, the parent parser takes its result and proceeds without any errors.

We can use the choose function from the ParsingScope to achieve this behaviour:

val g5 = object : Grammar<String>() {
    val tokenNum by regexToken("[0-9]+")
    val tokenId by regexToken("[a-z]+")
    val tokenPlus by literalToken("+")
    override val root by parser {
        val idOrNum1 = choose(tokenNum, tokenId).text
        val idOrNum2 = choose(tokenNum, tokenId).text
        "($idOrNum1) + ($idOrNum2)"

println(g5.parseEntireOrThrow("abc+123")) // prints "(abc) + (123)"
println(g5.parseEntireOrThrow("909+wow")) // prints "(909) + (wow)"

Now we have a repeating piece of code inside our parser implementation. So we ought to refactor it by introducing another intermediate parser term to do the job. Since term is a parser, it can be invoked within the parsing scope.

val g6 = object : Grammar<String>() {
    val tokenNum by regexToken("[0-9]+")
    val tokenId by regexToken("[a-z]+")
    val tokenPlus by literalToken("+")
    val term by parser { choose(tokenNum, tokenId).text }
    override val root by parser {
        val idOrNum1 = term()
        val idOrNum2 = term()
        "($idOrNum1) + ($idOrNum2)"

Armed with this knowledge of the basics, you can now explore more sophisticated parser implementations that use various extension functions to make parser definitions look declarative. Also, feel free to get familiar the with core interfaces and their extension functions to learn how more elaborate parser combinators can be created from the provided primitives.


Here are some examples of grammars written with Parsus:


Most often, coroutines in Kotlin are explored and used in the context of concurrency. This is not surprising, because they allow turning callback-ridden asynchronous code into sequential implementations that are less error-prone and easier to read.

In Kotlin, structured concurrency and other machinery related to multi-threaded environments are provided by kotlinx.coroutines library. Note the x after kotlin. This library, like any other, makes use of lower-level capabilities of the language itself. More specifically, the main and only mechanism of Kotlin enabling coroutines is suspension.

Kotlin's suspend keyword allows declaring so called suspending functions. Most of the time adding this additional keyword will be seen as a necessary down payment prior to entering the world of structured concurrency. Not all the time, though. Even in the Kotlin standard library there is at least one example of using suspending functions without any multi-threaded context. Namely, sequence builders.

You can build an infinite sequence of Fizz-Buzz numbers like this:

fun main() {
    val fb = sequence {
        var i = 1
        while (true) {
            if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0) yield(i)

    for (x in fb.take(10)) {

As you may have guessed, the lambda we pass to the sequence builder is a suspending function. From inside this lambda we can use yield function, which is also suspending.

After a careful inspection, we can conclude that suspending functions related to sequence builders have nothing to do with dispatchers, flows and channels from kotlinx.coroutines. Both of these cases simply highlight Kotlin's more powerful built-in capabilities. Even more applications of "bare" coroutines can be found elsewhere. E.g. coroutines can aid in rather idiomatic implementation of monads directly in Kotlin.

Finally, this project itself takes on a mission of leveraging coroutines to construct and execute parsers. Continuations, as first-class citizens, can be stored in memory, entirely avoiding unexpected stack-overflows for heavily nested parsing rules and deeply-structured input. Suspending functions make sequential composition of parsers trivial. Error-handling mechanisms that come with coroutines allow for declarative definition of branching in parsers. Everything else is a fully extensible and debuggable collection of combinators on top of just a couple core primitives.


The structure of the project as well as the form of the grammar DSL is heavily inspired by the better-parse library.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.