
A simple to use plugin to add custom animations, based on the Web Animation API, to your presentations.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A revealjs plugin to facilitate the usage of animations inside your slides.

Build Status

Check out the examples

How to install

  1. Install the plugin on your revealjs presentation folder
    npm install revealjs-animated
  1. Import the plugin in your RevealJs initialisation
        dependencies: [
            // Other plugins
            {src: 'node_modules/revealjs-animated/dist/revealjs-animated.js', async: true}

How does it work?

This plugin will look for specific CSS classes to define how to animated elements inside your RevealJs slides. For now, it is meant to be used with revealjs fragments. The CSS class animated is required to keep the element visible.



    <h1 id="titulo" class="fragment animated move-to-middle-top">Middle Top</h1>


This animation doesn't allow any attribute.

Move to specific position

    <p class="fragment animated move-to">Default Parameters</p>


Name Default Value Description
data-animated-move-to-left 50px Distance that the animated object should move in the X axis
data-animated-move-to-top 25px Distance that the animated object should move in the Y axis

Scale Up

    <p class="fragment animated scale-up">Let me Grow!</p>


Name Default Value Description
data-animated-scale-up-from 1 Transformation starting point
data-animated-scale-up-to 2 Transformation ending position

Scale Down

    <p class="fragment animated scale-down">Let me Shrink!</p>


Name Default Value Description
data-animated-scale-down-from 1 Transformation starting point
data-animated-scale-down-to 0.5 Transformation ending position


    <p class="fragment animated rotate">Rotate!</p>


Name Default Value Description
data-animated-rotate-from 0deg Transformation starting point
data-animated-rotate-to 180deg Transformation ending position

General Time Attributes

The duration, iteration and fill animation's properties can be controlled via the following attributes:


Name Required Default Value Description
data-animated-duration No 1000 Animation duration time in miliseconds
data-animated-iterations No 1 How many iterations should the animation have
data-animated-fill No forwards Final state of the animation. Possible values are forwards, none, backwards, both, auto. More details on MDN: EffectTiming.fill

Combining animations

Starting from version 1.2.0 you can combine multiple animations to create sofisticated animations. To combine animations you just have to add multiple CSS classes to the same fragment

<p class="fragment animated move-to-middle-top rotate">Move to top and rotate</p>

Note that the General Time Attributes will applied to the animatino combo, not to each animation individually.