Alternative Firmware for 'ESP8266, ESP8285 and ESP32 based devices' like Itead Sonoff, Shelly or NodeMCU, with Web, Timers, OTA, MQTT, KNX, Rules and Sensors' Support, to be used on Smart Home Systems. Written for PlatformIO. Documentation at
- 42mark
- abner0007
- araczkowskiSviete
- ascillato@Scallant @Tasmota
- ashmckenzie@GitLab
- asumrasSimferopol
- c-o-m-m-a-n-d-e-rFlensburg, Germany
- chrome1235
- d-a-vToulouse, France
- erfengwelinkshenzhen,china
- ferengi82
- firefightingcodeGermany
- FisherKei
- giovis1
- greatluis
- hasselk
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- julianloe
- khanh252
- kiwicolGold Coast, Aus
- laurentgiustignano
- lephongtech
- magicianeire
- mawa85
- mbm60Iran, Qom
- niroshan-n
- p000@initial-commit-hq
- PinkF314
- reloxx13Germany
- RocketSience
- shabuninMoscow
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- victorantonio21
- voxadamspacetime